call no type |call no |owner lib |item loc |chrg date |patron group |author |title |isbn |issn |item id Library of Congress|AS 36 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und|Eddy, Spencer L. |Founding of The Cornhill magazine [by] Spencer L. Eddy, Jr. |||38003 Library of Congress|B 105 |GW|gwg w|20080505|dc fac|Nancy, Jean-Luc. |Listening / Jean-Luc Nancy ; translated by Charlotte Mandell. |9780823227723 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4521660 Library of Congress|BC 61 |GW|gwg w|20080528|dc fac|Layman, Charles S., 1950- |Power of logic / C. Stephen Layman. |1559349557 ||3770982 Library of Congress|BD 1755 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und||Our country, our culture : the politics of political correctness / edited by Edith Kurzweil and William Phillips. |0964437732 ||2255856 Library of Congress|BF 109 |MU|mrym stkg|20080119|dc fac|Leupin, Alexandre, 1948- |Lacan today : psychoanalysis, science, religion / Alexandre Leupin. |1892746905 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4111913 Library of Congress|BF 121 |GW|gwg w|20070725|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Collected works of L.S. Vygotsky / edited by Robert W. Rieber and Aaron S. Carton ; prologue by Jerome S. Bruner ; translated and with an introduction by Norris Minick. |030642441X (v. 1) ||2828274 Library of Congress|BF 121 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Collected works of L.S. Vygotsky / edited by Robert W. Rieber and Aaron S. Carton ; prologue by Jerome S. Bruner ; translated and with an introduction by Norris Minick. |030642441X (v. 1) ||2828274 Library of Congress|BF 121 |GW|gwg w|20080103|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Collected works of L.S. Vygotsky / edited by Robert W. Rieber and Aaron S. Carton ; prologue by Jerome S. Bruner ; translated and with an introduction by Norris Minick. |030642441X (v. 1) ||2828274 Library of Congress|BF 1573 |GW|gwg w|20080208|dc fac|Adler, Margot. |Drawing down the moon : witches, Druids, goddess-worshippers, and other pagans in America / Margot Adler. |0143038192 ||4483047 Library of Congress|BF 199 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac|Skinner, B. F. (Burrhus Frederic), 1904-1990. |About behaviorism, by B. F. Skinner. |0394492013 ||2674751 Library of Congress|BF 233 |CU|cuml stk|20080417|dc und|Ayres, A. Jean. |Sensory integration and the child / by A. Jean Ayres with assistance from Jeff Robbins. |0874241588 ||3108445 Library of Congress|BF 311 |MU|mrym stkg|20070725|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Mind in society : the development of higher psychological processes / L. S. Vygotsky ; edited by Michael Cole ... [et al.]. |||2541057 Library of Congress|BF 311 |MU|mrym stkg|20070927|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Mind in society : the development of higher psychological processes / L. S. Vygotsky ; edited by Michael Cole ... [et al.]. |||2541057 Library of Congress|BF 311 |MU|mrym stkg|20080103|dc fac|Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. |Mind in society : the development of higher psychological processes / L. S. Vygotsky ; edited by Michael Cole ... [et al.]. |||2541057 Library of Congress|BF 412 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc staf|Eysenck, H. J. (Hans Jurgen), 1916- |Genius : the natural history of creativity / H.J. Eysenck. |0521480140 ||3566972 Library of Congress|BF 412 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc staf|Gardner, Howard. |Extraordinary minds : portraits of exceptional individuals and an examination of our extraordinariness / Howard Gardner. |0465045154 ||2963229 Library of Congress|BF 412 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc staf||Genetic studies of genius. |||1724376 Library of Congress|BF 412 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc staf||Gifted and talented : developmental perspectives / edited by Frances Degen Horowitz and Marion O'Brien. |0912704942 ||2454482 Library of Congress|BF 431 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|McNally, Douglas William. |Piaget, education and teaching / [by] D. W. McNally. -- |0904025047 : ||1896488 Library of Congress|BF 431 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|Wiseman, Stephen, |Intelligence and ability: selected readings. |||1629871 Library of Congress|BF 431 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf||What is intelligence? : contemporary viewpoints on its nature and definition / editors, Robert J. Sternberg, Douglas K. Detterman. |0893913731 ||2070983 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|Kaufman, Alan S., 1944- |Assessing adolescent and adult intelligence / Alan S. Kaufman, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger. |020530527X ||3907855 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|McGrew, Kevin S. |Clinical interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability-- Revised / Kevin S. McGrew. |0205148018 ||2427023 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|Sprandel, Hazel Z., 1922- |Psychoeducational use and interpretation of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised / by Hazel Z. Sprandel. |0398051267 ||2042785 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|McGrew, Kevin S. |Clinical interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability-- Revised / Kevin S. McGrew. |0205148018 ||2427023 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Kaufman, Alan S., 1944- |Assessing adolescent and adult intelligence / Alan S. Kaufman, Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger. |020530527X ||3907855 Library of Congress|BF 4325 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|McGrew, Kevin S. |Clinical interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability-- Revised / Kevin S. McGrew. |0205148018 ||2427023 Library of Congress|BF 503 |CU|cuml stk|20080314|dc fac|Weiner, Bernard, 1935- |Attributional theory of motivation and emotion / Bernard Weiner. |038796312X ||782590 Library of Congress|BF 503 |CU|cuml stk|20080326|dc fac|Weiner, Bernard, 1935- |Attributional theory of motivation and emotion / Bernard Weiner. |038796312X ||782590 Library of Congress|BF 575 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und|Mercer, Jean. |Understanding attachment : parenting, child care, and emotional development / Jean Mercer. |0275982173 (alk. paper) ||4217261 Library of Congress|BF 575 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und||Attachment across the life cycle / edited by Colin Murray Parkes, Joan Stevenson-Hinde and Peter Marris. |0415056500 (hard) ||388238 Library of Congress|BF 575 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und||Attachment and human survival / edited by Marci Green and Marc Sholes. |1855759594 ||4180266 Library of Congress|BF 575 |AU|auc|20080328|dc und||Attachment theory and close relationships / Jeffry A. Simpson, W. Steven Rholes, editors. |1572301023 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||2785421 Library of Congress|BF 575 |AU|auc|20080514|dc staf||Meaning reconstruction & the experience of loss / edited by Robert A. Neimeyer. |1557987424 ||3428866 Library of Congress|BF 575 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Mercer, Jean. |Understanding attachment : parenting, child care, and emotional development / Jean Mercer. |0275982173 (alk. paper) ||4262619 Library of Congress|BF 575 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und||Adult attachment : theory, research, and clinical implications / edited by W. Steven Rholes, Jeffry A. Simpson. |1593850476 (alk. paper) ||4006785 Library of Congress|BF 575 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und||Attachment from infancy to adulthood : the major longitudinal studies / edited by Klaus E. Grossmann, Karin Grossmann, Everett Waters. |1593851456 (hardcover) ||4126466 Library of Congress|BF 575 |GW|gwg w|20080514|dc staf|Lendrum, Susan, 1942- |Gift of tears : a practical approach to loss and bereavement counselling / Susan Lendrum and Gabrielle Syme. |0415081203 ||2366059 Library of Congress|BF 63667 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Sperry, Len. |Ethical and professional practice of counseling and psychotherapy / Len Sperry. |0205435254 ||4405925 Library of Congress|BF 63667 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Sperry, Len. |Ethical and professional practice of counseling and psychotherapy / Len Sperry. |0205435254 ||4405925 Library of Congress|BF 637 |AU|auc|20080424|dc grad|Fall, Kevin A. |Theoretical models of counseling and psychotherapy / Kevin A. Fall, Janice Miner Holden, Andre Marquis. |1583910689 ||3900002 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Fouad, Nadya A. |Becoming culturally oriented : practical advice for psychologists and educators / Nadya A. Fouad and Patricia Arredondo. |1591474248 ||4407392 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Hansen, James C. |Counseling : theory and process / James C. Hansen, Richard R. Stevic, Richard W. Warner, Jr. -- |0205056261 ||1859748 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf||Handbook of cross-cultural counseling and therapy / edited by Paul Pedersen. |0313239142 (lib. bdg.) ||2024998 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf||Handbook of multicultural counseling / editors Joseph G. Ponterotto ... [et al.] ; forward by Thomas A. Parham. |0803955065 (alk. paper) ||2256969 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Fouad, Nadya A. |Becoming culturally oriented : practical advice for psychologists and educators / Nadya A. Fouad and Patricia Arredondo. |1591474248 ||4407392 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Hansen, James C. |Counseling : theory and process / James C. Hansen, Richard R. Stevic, Richard W. Warner, Jr. -- |0205056261 ||1859748 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Handbook of cross-cultural counseling and therapy / edited by Paul Pedersen. |0313239142 (lib. bdg.) ||2024998 Library of Congress|BF 637 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Handbook of multicultural counseling / editors Joseph G. Ponterotto ... [et al.] ; forward by Thomas A. Parham. |0803955065 (alk. paper) ||2256969 Library of Congress|BF 6984 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf||Encyclopedia of clinical assessment / [Robert Henley Woody, editor]. |0875894461 ||2183096 Library of Congress|BF 6984 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Deinhardt, Carol L. |Personality assessment and psychological interpretation / by Carol L. Deinhardt. |0398047529 ||2696918 Library of Congress|BF 6988 |GW|gwg w|20071001|dc staf|Bayne, Rowan. |Myers-Briggs type indicator : a critical review and practical guide / Rowan Bayne. |0412574608 (alk. paper) ||2268107 Library of Congress|BF 6988 |GW|gwg w|20071111|dc staf|Megargee, Edwin Inglee |California psychological inventory handbook. Foreword by Harrison Gough. |0875891225 ||2782864 Library of Congress|BF 6988 |GW|gwg w|20071207|dc staf|Bayne, Rowan. |Myers-Briggs type indicator : a critical review and practical guide / Rowan Bayne. |0412574608 (alk. paper) ||2268107 Library of Congress|BF 6988 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Bayne, Rowan. |Myers-Briggs type indicator : a critical review and practical guide / Rowan Bayne. |0412574608 (alk. paper) ||2268107 Library of Congress|BF 713 |GW|gwg w|20071014|dc und|Broderick, Patricia C. |Life span : human development for helping professionals / Patricia C. Broderick, Pamela Blewitt. |0130144258 (hc) ||3891287 Library of Congress|BF 7135 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf||Handbook of research methods in developmental science / edited by Douglas M. Teti. |0631222618 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4114886 Library of Congress|BF 7135 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Handbook of research methods in developmental science / edited by Douglas M. Teti. |0631222618 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4114886 Library of Congress|BF 721 |GW|gwg w|20070924|dc und|Nelson, Katherine. |Young minds in social worlds : experience, meaning, and memory / Katherine Nelson. |0674023358 (alk. paper) ||4477968 Library of Congress|BF 722 |AU|auc|20070924|dc und||Focus on child psychology research / Jean R. Marrow, editor. |1594546185 ||4467415 Library of Congress|BF 723 |CU|cuml stk|20080414|dc und||Girls and aggression : contributing factors and intervention principles / edited by Marlene M. Moretti, Candice L. Odgers, Margaret A. Jackson. |030648224X ||3918526 Library of Congress|BF 723 |GW|gwg w|20070924|dc und||Creativity and reason in cognitive development / edited by James C. Kaufman, John Baer. |0521843855 (hardback) ||4416150 Library of Congress|BF 723 |GW|gwg w|20071103|dc und|Owusu-Bempah, Kwame. |Children and separation : socio-genealogical connectedness perspective / Kwame Owusu-Bempah. |9780415342124 (hardback) ||4536039 Library of Congress|BF 7243 |AU|auc|20071203|dc und||Aggression and adaptation : the bright side to bad behavior / edited by Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, Philip C. Rodkin. |9780805852455 (cloth) ||4516939 Library of Congress|BF 765 |MU|mrym stkg|20070907|dc und|Bordens, Kenneth S. |Research design and methods : a process approach / Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce B. Abbott. |1559344091 ||2629418 Library of Congress|BH 301 |CU|cuml stk|20070810|dc fac|Shaw, Philip. |Sublime / Philip Shaw. |0415268478 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||4230783 Library of Congress|BJ 1498 |CU|cuml stk|20080611|dc fac|Pieper, Josef, 1904-1997. |Leisure, the basis of culture / Josef Pieper ; introduction by Roger Scruton ; new translation by Gerald Malsbary. |1890318353 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||2985514 Library of Congress|BL 1900 |AU|auc|20080205|dc grad|Höchsmann, Hyun. |On Chuang Tzu / Hyun Höchsmann. |0534583717 (pbk.) ||3418351 Library of Congress|BL 1900 |AU|auc|20080207|dc grad|Wu, Kuang-ming. |Butterfly as companion : meditations on the first three chapters of the Chuang Tzu / Kuang-ming Wu. |0887066852 ||358581 Library of Congress|BL 1900 |CU|cuml stk|20080212|dc grad|Zhuangzi. |Chuang Tzǔ, mystic, moralist, and social reformer, translated from the Chinese by Herbert A. Giles ... |||826534 Library of Congress|BL 1910 |AU|auc|20080212|dc grad|Cleary, Thomas F., 1949- |Essential Tao : an initiation into the heart of Taoism through the authentic Tao te ching and the inner teachings of Chuang Tzu / translated & presented by Thomas Cleary. |0062501623 (alk. paper) ||419659 Library of Congress|BL 2443 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907. |Egyptian book of the dead and the ancient mysteries of Amenta / by Gerald Massey. |1881316750 ||2977722 Library of Congress|BL 2443 |GW|gwg w|20071221|dc und|Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907. |Egyptian book of the dead and the ancient mysteries of Amenta / by Gerald Massey. |1881316750 ||2977722 Library of Congress|BL 2443 |GW|gwg w|20080117|dc und|Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907. |Egyptian book of the dead and the ancient mysteries of Amenta / by Gerald Massey. |1881316750 ||2977722 Library of Congress|BL 2443 |GW|gwg w|20080228|dc und|Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907. |Egyptian book of the dead and the ancient mysteries of Amenta / by Gerald Massey. |1881316750 ||2977722 Library of Congress|BL 2443 |GW|gwg w|20080424|dc und|Massey, Gerald, 1828-1907. |Egyptian book of the dead and the ancient mysteries of Amenta / by Gerald Massey. |1881316750 ||2977722 Library of Congress|BL 2450 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Takács, Sarolta A. |Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world / by Sarolta A. Takács. |9004101217 (alk. paper) ||2448740 Library of Congress|BL 2450 |GW|gwg w|20071221|dc und|Takács, Sarolta A. |Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world / by Sarolta A. Takács. |9004101217 (alk. paper) ||2448740 Library of Congress|BL 2450 |GW|gwg w|20080117|dc und|Takács, Sarolta A. |Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world / by Sarolta A. Takács. |9004101217 (alk. paper) ||2448740 Library of Congress|BL 2450 |GW|gwg w|20080228|dc und|Takács, Sarolta A. |Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world / by Sarolta A. Takács. |9004101217 (alk. paper) ||2448740 Library of Congress|BL 2450 |GW|gwg w|20080424|dc und|Takács, Sarolta A. |Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world / by Sarolta A. Takács. |9004101217 (alk. paper) ||2448740 Library of Congress|BL 311 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Masks of God. |||1632699 Library of Congress|BL 313 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Hero with a thousand faces. |||1576065 Library of Congress|BL 313 |GW|gwg w|20071221|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Hero with a thousand faces. |||1576065 Library of Congress|BL 313 |GW|gwg w|20080117|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Hero with a thousand faces. |||1576065 Library of Congress|BL 313 |GW|gwg w|20080228|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Hero with a thousand faces. |||1576065 Library of Congress|BL 313 |GW|gwg w|20080424|dc und|Campbell, Joseph, 1904- |Hero with a thousand faces. |||1576065 Library of Congress|BL 473 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Leeming, David Adams, 1937- |God : myths of the male divine / David Leeming and Jake Page. |0195093062 ||2260616 Library of Congress|BL 51 |MU|mrym stkg|20080129|dc und||Exploring the philosophy of religion / [edited by] David Stewart. |0132973839 ||2623470 Library of Congress|BP 223 |GW|gwg w|20070915|dc und|X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. |February, 1965, the final speeches / Malcolm X ; [edited by Steve Clark]. |0873487532 (cloth) ||2379563 Library of Congress|BP 223 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und|X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. |February, 1965, the final speeches / Malcolm X ; [edited by Steve Clark]. |0873487532 (cloth) ||2379563 Library of Congress|BP 223 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und|X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. |Malcolm X : speeches at Harvard / edited, with a new preface, by Archie Epps. |1557784795 (paper) : ||3085432 Library of Congress|BR 115 |CU|cuml stk|20080206|dc und|Weber, Max, 1864-1920. |Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism / Max Weber ; new introduction and translation by Stephen Kalberg. |1579583385 ||3533217 Library of Congress|BR 115 |MU|mrym stkg|20080206|dc und|Weber, Max, 1864-1920. |Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism / Max Weber ; translated by Talcott Parsons ; introd. by Anthony Giddens. |0684164892 ||2549301 Library of Congress|BR 121 |MU|mrym stkg|20071010|dc und|Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910. |Kingdom of God is within you : Christianity not as a mystic religion but as a new theory of life / translated from the Russian of Leo Tolstoy by Constance Garnett ; foreword by Martin Green. |0803294042 ||2619409 Library of Congress|BR 526 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und|Smith, Steven D. (Steven Douglas), 1952- |Getting over equality : a critical diagnosis of religious freedom in America / Steven D. Smith. |0814797946 (alk. paper) ||3668840 Library of Congress|D 76725 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und|Gordin, Michael D. |Five days in August : how World War II became a nuclear war / Michael D. Gordin. |0691128189 ||4449910 Library of Congress|DC 33 |AU|auc|20070913|dc fac||Grandes étapes de la civilisation française / Jean Thoraval, Colette Pellerin, Monique Lambert, Jean le Solleuz. |||145036 Library of Congress|DK 510763|GW|gw mt|20080326|dc und|Braithwaite, Rodric, 1932- |Across the Moscow river : the world turned upside down / Rodric Braithwaite. |0300094965 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3669768 Library of Congress|DS 385 |AU|auc|20071215|dc und|Crone, Patricia, 1940- |Slaves on horses : the evolution of the Islamic polity / Patricia Crone. |0521229618 ||186639 Library of Congress|DS 79736|GW|gwg w|20080418|dc grad||Iraq since the Gulf war : prospects for democracy / edited by Fran Hazelton. |1856492311 (cased) ||2431481 Library of Congress|DS 830 |AU|auc|20080405|dc und|Ivy, Marilyn. |Discourses of the vanishing : modernity, phantasm, Japan / Marilyn Ivy. |0226388328 (cloth : acid-free paper) ||475578 Library of Congress|DT 1058 |AU|auc|20071121|dc und|Lee, Richard B. |Dobe Ju/'hoansi / Richard B. Lee. |0155063332 (pbk.) ||4499012 Library of Congress|DT 14 |WR|wrlc stor|20080307|dc und|Asante, Molefi K., 1942- |Afrocentric idea / Molefi Kete Asante. |0877224838 (alk. paper) ||1279808 Library of Congress|E 1691 |GW|gw mt|20080411|dc und|Miller, Perry, 1905-1963 |Nature's nation. |||2948130 Library of Congress|E 1691 |GW|gwg w|20080411|dc und|Miller, Perry, 1905-1963 |Nature's nation. |||2197887 Library of Congress|E 1691 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und|Michaels, Walter Benn. |Our America : nativism, modernism, and pluralism / Walter Benn Michaels. |0822317001 (cloth : alk. paper) ||2476587 Library of Congress|E 1691 |WR|wrlc stor|20080411|dc und|Miller, Perry, 1905-1963. |Life of the mind in America, from the Revolution to the Civil War. |||1221842 Library of Congress|E 1781 |GW|gw mt|20080308|dc und||American people : creating a nation and a society / general editors, Gary B. Nash ... [et al.]. |0060447362 (v. 1 : student ed.) ||2939446 Library of Congress|E 1781 |GW|gw mt|20080308|dc und||American people : creating a nation and a society / general editors, Gary B. Nash ... [et al.]. |0060447362 (v. 1 : student ed.) ||2939449 Library of Congress|E 179 |AU|auc|20080411|dc und|McKenna, George. |Puritan origins of American patriotism / George McKenna. |030010099X (alk. paper) ||4528238 Library of Congress|E 183 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und|Knobel, Dale T., 1949- |America for the Americans : the nativist movement in the United States / Dale T. Knobel. |0805778462 (cloth : alk. paper) ||2271035 Library of Congress|E 184 |AU|auc|20080519|dc und||Race and Arab Americans before and after 9/11 : from invisible citizens to visible subjects / edited by Amaney Jamal and Nadine Naber. |9780815631521 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4749534 Library of Congress|E 184 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|Daniels, Roger. |Asian America : Chinese and Japanese in the United States since 1850 / Roger Daniels. |0295966696 ||796351 Library of Congress|E 184 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|Hundley, Norris. |Asian American : the historical experience / edited by Norris Hundley jr. ; introd. by Akira Iriye. -- |0874362199 0874362202 ||683144 Library of Congress|E 184 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|Lee, Robert G., 1947- |Orientals : Asian Americans in popular culture / Robert G. Lee. |1566396581 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3191374 Library of Congress|E 184 |GW|gwg l|20080426|dc und||From different shores : perspectives on race and ethnicity in America / edited by Ronald Takaki. |0195083687 ||2438041 Library of Congress|E 184 |GW|gwg w|20071115|dc und||White trash : race and class in America / edited by Matt Wray and Annalee Newitz. |0415916917 ||2752995 Library of Congress|E 184 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und||Nativism, discrimination, and images of immigrants / edited by George E. Pozzetta. |0824074157 (alk. paper) ||2468948 Library of Congress|E 184 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und|Higham, John, 1920- |Strangers in the land : patterns of American nativism, 1860-1925 / John Higham. |||1667856 Library of Congress|E 184 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und|Mann, Arthur. |One and the many : reflections on the American identity / Arthur Mann. |0226503372 : ||2144433 Library of Congress|E 1852 |CU|cuml stk|20080305|dc und|Cimbala, Paul A. (Paul Alan), 1951- |Freedmen's Bureau : reconstructing the American South after the Civil War / Paul A. Cimbala. |1575240947 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4243869 Library of Congress|E 1855 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Colored American magazine. |||4728351 Library of Congress|E 1856 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Hopkins, Pauline E. (Pauline Elizabeth) |Daughter of the revolution : the major nonfiction works of Pauline E. Hopkins / edited and with an introduction by Ira Dworkin. |0813539617 (alk. paper) ||4460340 Library of Congress|E 18561 |GW|gwg w|20080403|dc fac||Before Brown : civil rights and white backlash in the modern South / edited by Glenn Feldman. |0817314318 (alk. paper) ||4056963 Library of Congress|E 185615 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und|Cohen, Mark Nathan. |Culture of intolerance : chauvinism, class, and racism in the United States / Mark Nathan Cohen. |0300070721 (alk. paper) ||2878304 Library of Congress|E 185625 |MU|mrym stkg|20080128|dc und|Parham, Thomas A. (Thomas Anthony), 1954- |Psychology of Blacks : an African-centered perspective / Thomas A. Parham, Joseph L. White, Adisa Ajamu. |0130959464 (alk. paper) ||4247311 Library of Congress|E 18597 |AU|auc|20080624|dc fac|Fairclough, Adam. |Martin Luther King, Jr. / Adam Fairclough. |0820316903 (alk. paper) ||479815 Library of Congress|E 18597 |GW|gwg w|20070922|dc und|Cone, James H. |Martin & Malcolm & America : a dream or a nightmare / James H. Cone. |0883447215 : ||2291490 Library of Congress|E 18597 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und|King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. |Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. / edited by Clayborne Carson. |0446524123 ||4055810 Library of Congress|E 210 |CU|cuml stk|20070914|dc und|Holton, Woody. |Forced founders : Indians, debtors, slaves, and the making of the American Revolution in Virginia / Woody Holton. |0807825018 (alk. paper) ||3147298 Library of Congress|E 311 |CU|cuml stk|20071003|dc und|McDonald, Forrest. |Presidency of George Washington / by Forrest McDonald. -- |0393007731 : ||681238 Library of Congress|E 312 |AU|auc|20071001|dc und|Johnson, Paul, 1928- |George Washington : the founding father / Paul Johnson. |006075365X ||4161794 Library of Congress|E 312 |AU|auc|20071003|dc und|Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. |Life of George Washington / by Washington Irving. |||192702 Library of Congress|E 312 |CU|cuml stk|20071017|dc und|Ellis, Joseph J. |His Excellency : George Washington / Joseph J. Ellis. |1400040310 ||4013019 Library of Congress|E 312 |GW|gwg w|20071003|dc und|Johnson, Paul, 1928- |George Washington : the founding father / Paul Johnson. |006075365X ||4136923 Library of Congress|E 312 |MU|mrym stkg|20070924|dc und|Clark, E. Harrison. |All cloudless glory : the life of George Washington / Harrison Clark. |0895264668 ||2629894 Library of Congress|E 312 |MU|mrym stkg|20070924|dc und|Clark, E. Harrison. |All cloudless glory : the life of George Washington / Harrison Clark. |0895264668 ||2629895 Library of Congress|E 312 |MU|mrym stkg|20071001|dc und|Irving, Washington, 1783-1859. |George Washington : a biography / by Washington Irving ; abridged and edited with an introduction by Charles Neider. |0306805936 ||2614688 Library of Congress|E 312 |WR|wrlc stor|20071017|dc und|Flexner, James Thomas, 1908- |Washington, the indispensable man. |0316286052 ||1667332 Library of Congress|E 31225 |GW|gwg w|20071017|dc und|Knollenberg, Bernhard, 1892- |Washington and the revolution, a reappraisal; Gates, Conway, and the Continental congress, by Bernhard Knollenberg. |||3191717 Library of Congress|E 444 |AU|auc|20071001|dc und|Yellin, Jean Fagan. |Harriet Jacobs : a life / Jean Fagan Yellin. |0465092888 (hbk.) ||3892974 Library of Congress|E 450 |WR|wrlc stor|20080202|dc und|Still, William, 1821-1902. |Underground rail road; a record of facts, authentic narratives, letters, &c. narrating the hardships hair-breadth escapes and death struggles of the slaves in their efforts for freedom, as related by themselves and others, or witnessed by the author; toge|0874850339 ||1122041 Library of Congress|E 453 |AU|auc|20080305|dc und|Holzer, Harold. |Emancipation Proclamation : three views (social, political, iconographic) / Harold Holzer, Edna Greene Medford, Frank J. Williams ; with a foreword by John Hope Franklin. |080713144X (cloth : alk. paper) ||4309864 Library of Congress|E 4689 |AU|auc|20080305|dc und|Burkhardt, George S., 1927- |Confederate rage, Yankee wrath : no quarter in the Civil War / George S. Burkhardt. |0809327430 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4479127 Library of Congress|E 51 |CU|cuml stk|20071018|dc und|Bushnell, David Ives, 1875-1941. |Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan tribes west of the Mississippi [microform] / by David I. Bushnell, jr. |||1067337 Library of Congress|E 59 |GW|gwg w|20071001|dc und|Wright, Ronald. |Stolen continents : the Americas through Indian eyes since 1492 / Ronald Wright. |0395565006 : ||2335573 Library of Congress|E 668 |AU|auc|20080305|dc und|Martinez, J. Michael (James Michael) |Carpetbaggers, cavalry, and the Ku Klux Klan : exposing the invisible empire during Reconstruction / J. Michael Martinez. |9780742550773 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4479339 Library of Congress|E 668 |CU|cuml stk|20080305|dc und|Foner, Eric. |Forever free : the story of emancipation and Reconstruction / Eric Foner ; illustrations edited and with commentary by Joshua Brown. |0375402594 (alk. paper) ||4207377 Library of Congress|E 668 |CU|cuml stk|20080305|dc und||Reconstructions : new perspectives on the postbellum United States / edited by Thomas J. Brown. |0195175956 (alk. paper) ||4437385 Library of Congress|E 744 |CU|cuml stk|20080220|dc und|Hook, Steven W., 1959- |American foreign policy since World War II / Steven W. Hook, John Spanier. |1933116714 (alk. paper) ||4437045 Library of Congress|E 8408 |GW|gwg w|20070820|dc fac|Rollins, Ed. |Bare knuckles and back rooms : my life in American politics / Ed Rollins with Tom DeFrank. |0553067249 ||2267449 Library of Congress|E 876 |GW|gwg w|20080514|dc fac|Slansky, Paul. |Clothes have no emperor : a chronicle of the American '80s / Paul Slansky. |0671673394 : ||4340863 Library of Congress|E 98 |AU|auc|20070914|dc und|Banner, Stuart, 1963- |How the Indians lost their land : law and power on the frontier / Stuart Banner. |0674018710 (alk. paper) ||4195018 Library of Congress|F 1283 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und|Weil, Franðcois. |History of New York / Franðcois Weil ; translated by Jody Gladding. |0231129343 (acid-free paper) ||4078140 Library of Congress|F 1589 |AU|auc|20071202|dc und|Boyette, Michael. |"Let it burn!" : the Philadelphia tragedy / Michael Boyette with Randi Boyette. |0809245434 ||375234 Library of Congress|F 1589 |AU|auc|20071202|dc und|Wagner-Pacifici, Robin Erica. |Discourse and destruction : the city of Philadelphia versus MOVE / Robin Wagner-Pacifici. |0226869768 (cloth : alk. paper) ||447665 Library of Congress|F 1589 |GW|gwg w|20070915|dc und|Anderson, John, 1954 Mar. 27- |Burning down the house : MOVE and the tragedy of Philadelphia / John Anderson and Hilary Hevenor. |0393024601 : ||2094549 Library of Congress|F 1619 |MU|mrym stkg|20070926|dc und||Indigenous people of the Caribbean / edited by Samuel M. Wilson. |0813015316 (acid-free paper) ||2950789 Library of Congress|F 1621 |CU|cuml stk|20070918|dc und|Williams, Eric Eustace, 1911- |From Columbus to Castro : the history of the Caribbean, 1492-1969 / Eric Williams. |0394715020 (pbk.) ||2790458 Library of Congress|F 1943 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|Melmed, Laura Krauss. |Capital! : Washington D.C. from A to Z / by Laura Krauss Melmed ; illustrated by Frané Lessac. |0688175619 ||4508801 Library of Congress|F 2001 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und||Wild Majesty : encounters with Caribs from Columbus to the present day : an anthology / edited by Peter Hulme and Neil L. Whitehead. |0198112262 ||2354514 Library of Congress|F 2223 |WR|wrlc stor|20080214|dc fac|Tschiffely, A. F. (Aimé Felix), 1895- |Tschiffely's ride; being the account of 10,000 miles in the saddle through the Americas from Argentina to Washington. |||316352 Library of Congress|F 869 |GW|gwg co|20080116|dc fac|Self, Robert O., 1968- |American Babylon : race and the struggle for postwar Oakland / Robert O. Self. |0691070261 ||3974007 Library of Congress|G 530 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Davie, Michael. |Titanic : the full story of a tragedy / by Michael Davie. |037030764X ||267957 Library of Congress|G 530 |GW|gwg w|20080422|dc und|Barczewski, Stephanie L. |Titanic : a night remembered / Stephanie Barczewski. |1852854340 ||4052076 Library of Congress|GE 170 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad|Elliott, Lorraine M. |Global politics of the environment / Lorraine Elliott. |081472163X (clothbound) ||3029883 Library of Congress|GE 170 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad|Kelemen, R. Daniel. |Rules of federalism : institutions and regulatory politics in the EU and beyond / R. Daniel Kelemen. |0674013093 (alk. paper) ||4040514 Library of Congress|GE 170 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad||Behavorial and distributional effects of environmental policy / edited by Carlo Carraro and Gilbert E. Metcalf. |0226094812 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3476670 Library of Congress|GE 180 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad||Environmental governance : a report on the next generation of environmental policy / Donald F. Kettl, editor. |0815702558 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3552521 Library of Congress|GN 3077 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Writing culture : the poetics and politics of ethnography : a School of American Research advanced seminar / edited by James Clifford and George E. Marcus. |0520056523 (alk. paper) ||255240 Library of Congress|GV 14696 |AU|auc|20080612|dc und|Barton, Matt. |Dungeons and desktops : the history of computer role-playing games / Matt Barton. |9781568814117 (alk. paper) ||4756776 Library of Congress|GV 1507 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|The, Tjong Khing. |Where is the cake? / T.T. Khing. |081091798X (hardcover) : ||4491363 Library of Congress|GV 863 |AU|auc|20080612|dc und|Morris, Peter, 1962- |But didn't we have fun? : an informal history of baseball's pioneer era, 1843-1870 / Peter Morris. |9781566637480 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4765968 Library of Congress|H 61 |GW|gwg w|20071121|dc fac|Creswell, John W. |Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches / John W. Creswell. |1412916062 (cloth) ||4477622 Library of Congress|H 62 |AU|auc|20071121|dc fac|Creswell, John W. |Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches / by John W. Creswell. |0761924418 (c) ||3652390 Library of Congress|HA 19 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Walker, Helen Mary, 1891- |Studies in the history of statistical method, with special reference to certain educational problems, by Helen M. Walker ... |||530104 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Croxton, Frederick Emory, 1899- |Applied general statistics, by Frederick E. Croxton ... and Dudley J. Cowden. |||530132 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Dornbusch, Sanford M. |Primer of social statistics [by] Sanford M. Dornbusch [and] Calvin F. Schmid. |||530143 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, Sir, 1890-1962. |Statistical methods and scientific inference. |||530156 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Garrett, Henry Edward, 1894- |Elementary statistics / by Henry E. Garret. |||530163 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Kendall, Maurice George. |Advanced theory of statistics. |||530203 Library of Congress|HA 29 |CU|cuml stk|20071110|dc law|Thurstone, L. L. (Louis Leon), 1887-1955. |Fundamentals of statistics / by L.L. Thurstone. |||530259 Library of Congress|HA 29 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Huck, Schuyler W. |Reading Statistics and research [by] Schuyler W. Buck, William H. Cormier [and] William G. Bounds, Jr. |0060429763 ||1491098 Library of Congress|HA 29 |GW|gwg w|20080124|dc und|Lind, Douglas A. |Statistical techniques in business & economics / Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal, Samuel A. Wathen. |0073030228 (student edition : alk. paper) ||4418659 Library of Congress|HA 29 |GW|gwg w|20080313|dc und|Lind, Douglas A. |Statistical techniques in business & economics / Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal, Samuel A. Wathen. |0073030228 (student edition : alk. paper) ||4418659 Library of Congress|HA 29 |GW|gwg w|20080324|dc und|Salkind, Neil J. |Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics / Neil J. Salkind. |0761927883 (cloth) ||3875729 Library of Congress|HA 29 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Huck, Schuyler W. |Reading Statistics and research [by] Schuyler W. Buck, William H. Cormier [and] William G. Bounds, Jr. |0060429763 ||1491098 Library of Congress|HA 32 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Green, Samuel B., 1947- |Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh : analyzing and understanding data / Samuel B. Green, Neil J. Salkind. |0130990043 (pbk.) ||4001346 Library of Congress|HB 1125 |GW|gwg w|20071107|dc und||Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the United States. |084060582X ||3918458 Library of Congress|HB 1415 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Shaikh, Anwar. |Measuring the wealth of nations : the political economy of national accounts / Anwar M. Shaikh, E. Ahmet Tonak. |0521414245 (hardback) ||2430147 Library of Congress|HB 161 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Ginzberg, Eli, 1911- |House of Adam Smith, by Eli Ginzberg. |||1492600 Library of Congress|HB 161 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Shapiro, Michael J. |Reading "Adam Smith" : desire, history and value / Michael J. Shapiro. |074252132X ||3834584 Library of Congress|HB 161 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. |Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, by Adam Smith; edited, with an introduction, notes, marginal summary and an enlarged index, by Edwin Cannan ... with an introduction by Max Lerner. |||2650339 Library of Congress|HB 161 |GW|gwg w|20080521|dc und|Smith, Adam, 1723-1790. |Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, by Adam Smith; edited, with an introduction, notes, marginal summary and an enlarged index, by Edwin Cannan ... with an introduction by Max Lerner. |||2650339 Library of Congress|HB 163 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude, comte, 1754-1836. |Treatise on political economy; [to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or Elements of ideology ...] by Destutt de Tracy. English translation by Thomas Jefferson. With a foreword by John M. Dorsey. |||1492604 Library of Congress|HB 163 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. |Poverty of philosophy. Answer to the "Philosophy of poverty" by M. Proudhon. |||2136218 Library of Congress|HB 1725 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und|Barro, Robert J. |Money, expectations, and business cycles : essays in macroeconomics / Robert J. Barro. |0120795507 ||721173 Library of Congress|HB 1725 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und|Phelps, Edmund S. |Seven schools of macroeconomic thought : the Arne Ryde memorial lectures / Edmund S. Phelps. |0198283334 : ||954063 Library of Congress|HB 1725 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und|Scarth, William M., 1946- |Macroeconomics : an introduction to advanced methods / William M. Scarth. |0774730773 : ||967895 Library of Congress|HB 1725 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und||NBER macroeconomics annual. ||0889-3365 |4501338 Library of Congress|HB 76 |GW|gwg w|20080513|dc und|Heilbroner, Robert L. |Worldly philosophers : the lives, times, and ideas of the great economic thinkers / Robert L. Heilbroner. |068486214X (pbk.) ||3144806 Library of Congress|HB 861 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834. |Essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions / T.R. Malthus ; selected and introduced b|0521419549 (hardback) ||3839499 Library of Congress|HB 95 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Wright, John, 1956- |Ethics of economic rationalism / John Wright. |0868406619 ||3886157 Library of Congress|HC 1065 |CU|cuml stk|20071113|dc und|United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. |Economic opportunity act of 1964. Hearings before the Subcommittee on the War on Poverty Program of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representataives, Eighty-eighth Congress, second session, on H. R. 10440, a bill to mobilize the human and f|||594370 Library of Congress|HC 1066 |CU|cuml stk|20071113|dc und|Donovan, John C. |Politics of poverty, by John C. Donovan. |||529120 Library of Congress|HC 125 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und|Inter-American Development Bank. |Economic and social progress in Latin America; annual report. ||0095-2850 |2726315 Library of Congress|HC 2412 |CU|cuml stk|20080208|dc und|Dinan, Desmond, 1957- |Ever closer union : an introduction to European integration / Desmond Dinan. |1555877397 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3103786 Library of Congress|HC 2412 |CU|cuml stk|20080208|dc und|Feld, Werner J. |European community in world affairs : economic power and political influence / Werner J. Feld. |0882840401 : 0882840371 ||706944 Library of Congress|HC 2412 |CU|cuml stk|20080208|dc und||European Community and the challenge of the future / edited by Juliet Lodge. |0312031815 : ||811209 Library of Congress|HC 441 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Southeast Asia in the new century : an Asian perspective / edited by Samuel C.Y. Ku. |9971692627 (paper) ||3815607 Library of Congress|HC 444 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare in Vietnam / edited by Paul Glewwe, Nisha Agrawal, David Dollar. |0821355430 ||3948492 Library of Congress|HC 444 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Profit and poverty in rural Vietnam : winners and losers of a dismantled revolution / Rita Liljeström ... [et al.] |0700709878 (cloth) ||2818596 Library of Congress|HC 445 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Money & power in provincial Thailand / edited by Ruth McVey. |0824822722 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3397214 Library of Congress|HC 445 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Uneven development in Thailand / edited by Michael J.G. Parnwell. |1859720854 ||493047 Library of Congress|HC 4455 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Hashim, Shireen Mardziah. |Income inequality and poverty in Malaysia / Sireen Mardziah Hashim. |0847688585 (alk. paper) ||2853557 Library of Congress|HC 79 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Poverty and power : the role of institutions and the market in development / edited by John Cameron ; with Hans Ramharak and Ken Cole. |0195636546 ||479342 Library of Congress|HC 79 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Poverty, a global review : handbook on international poverty research / edited by Else Oyen, S.M. Miller, and Syed Abdus Samad. |8200226492 ||505754 Library of Congress|HD 2346 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und|Middleton, Simon (Simon David) |From privileges to rights : work and politics in colonial New York City / Simon Middleton. |0812239156 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4400975 Library of Congress|HD 2785 |AU|auc|20080426|dc und|Sirota, David (David J.) |Hostile takeover : how big money & corruption conquered our government--and how we take it back / David Sirota. |0307237346 ||4319686 Library of Congress|HD 3028 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc und|Dobson, Paul, 1962- |Strategic management : issues and cases / Paul Dobson, Ken Starkey, and John Richards. |140511181X (paperback : alk. paper) ||3990226 Library of Congress|HD 3028 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc und|Grant, Robert M., 1948- |Contemporary strategy analysis / Robert M. Grant. |1405119985 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4075420 Library of Congress|HD 3028 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc und|Kristensen, Peter J. |Strategic management approach : practical planning for development managers / Peter J. Kristensen, Christopher J. Rader with Amy Sweeting. |1881173437 ||4635340 Library of Congress|HD 3028 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc und|Pitts, Robert A. |Strategic management : building and sustaining competitive advantage / Robert A. Pitts, David Lei. |0324226217 ||4291037 Library of Congress|HD 3028 |GW|gwg w|20080622|dc und|Wheelen, Thomas L. |Strategic management and business policy : concepts and cases / Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger. |0131494597 ||4722334 Library of Congress|HD 303 |AU|auc|20080410|dc und|Maruyama, Magoroh. |Mindscapes in management : use of individual differences in multicultural management / Magoroh Maruyama. |1855213672 ||455663 Library of Congress|HD 31 |AU|auc|20080406|dc und|Schermerhorn, John R. |Management / John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. |0471454761 ||4162956 Library of Congress|HD 31 |WR|wrlc stor|20080502|dc und|Blanchard, Kenneth H. |One minute manager / Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson. |0425062651 ||793373 Library of Congress|HD 3616 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad|Viscusi, W. Kip. |Economics of regulation and antitrust / W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon, Joseph E. Harrington, Jr. |0262220490 ||1026847 Library of Congress|HD 38 |AU|auc|20080406|dc und|Luthans, Fred |Organizational behavior / Fred Luthans. |0070391300 ||141213 Library of Congress|HD 41 |GW|gwg w|20080329|dc und|Porter, Michael E., 1947- |Competitive strategy : techniques for analyzing industries and competitors / Michael E. Porter. |0029253608 ||2192330 Library of Congress|HD 42 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und||Problematic relationships in the workplace / edited by Janie M. Harden Fritz & Becky L. Omdahl. |0820474002 ||4402792 Library of Congress|HD 4870 |GW|gwg w|20070823|dc fac|Perry, James L. |Civic service : what difference does it make? / James L. Perry and Ann Marie Thomson. |0765612755 ||4297090 Library of Congress|HD 587 |AU|auc|20080401|dc und||Emotional organization : passions and power / edited by Stephen Fineman. |9781405160308 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4713739 Library of Congress|HD 587 |GW|gwg w|20080308|dc und|Gibson, James L. |Organizations : behavior, structure, processes / James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, James H. Donnelly, Jr. |0256058210 ||2461613 Library of Congress|HD 587 |GW|gwg w|20080308|dc und||Handbook of organizational behavior / edited by Robert T. Golembiewski. |0824703936 (alk. paper) ||3605894 Library of Congress|HD 587 |GW|gwg w|20080606|dc und||Organizations : behavior, structure, processes / James L. Gibson ... [et al.]. |9780073381305 (alk. paper) ||4743662 Library of Congress|HD 66 |MU|mrym stkg|20080227|dc und|Ostroff, Frank. |Horizontal organization : what the organization of the future looks like and how it delivers value to customers / Frank Ostroff. |0195121384 ||3421882 Library of Congress|HD 7125 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Brown, James Douglas, 1898- |American philosophy of social security: evolution and issues [by] J. Douglas Brown. |0691030928 ||536185 Library of Congress|HD 90005 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und|Fuller, Gordon W. |New food product development : from concept to marketplace / Gordon W. Fuller. |0849316731 (alk. paper) ||4079831 Library of Congress|HD 90005 |GW|gwg w|20080426|dc und||Adding value : brands and marketing in food and drink / edited by Geoffrey Jones and Nicholas J. Morgan. |0415095166 ||2848849 Library of Congress|HD 9015 |GW|gwg w|20071024|dc und|Sethi, S. Prakash. |Multinational corporations and the impact of public advocacy on corporate strategy : Nestle and the infant formula controversy / by S. Prakash Sethi. |0792393783 (acid-free paper) ||2444476 Library of Congress|HE 2791 |MU|mrym stkg|20071003|dc und|Dorin, Patrick C. |Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, George Washington's railroad / by Patrick C. Dorin. |0875645372 : ||2554035 Library of Congress|HE 6631 |AU|auc|20070817|dc fac|U.S. Congress. House |Publications |||520613 Library of Congress|HF 1413 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Gallagher, Vincent A. |True cost of low prices : the violence of globalization / Vincent A. Gallagher. |1570756694 (pbk.) ||4406872 Library of Congress|HF 541513 |AU|auc|20080402|dc und|Cohen, William A., 1937- |Marketing plan / William A. Cohen. |0471180335 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3021076 Library of Congress|HF 5465 |AU|auc|20080411|dc und|Rowley, Laura. |On Target : how the world's hottest retailer hit a bull's-eye / Laura Rowley. |0471250678 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3770589 Library of Congress|HF 5549 |AU|auc|20071121|dc und|Nieto, Michael L. |Introduction to human resource management : an integrated approach / Michael L. Nieto. |0333986652 ||4287028 Library of Congress|HF 55495 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und||Gender, race, and ethnicity in the workplace : issues and challenges for today's organizations / edited by Margaret Foegen Karsten. |0275988023 (set : alk. paper) ||4438173 Library of Congress|HF 55495 |MU|mrym stkg|20070926|dc und||Dealing with difficult people. |1591396344 (pbk.) ||4071547 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080125|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080130|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080208|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080216|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080329|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |AU|auz|20080416|dc und|Bodie, Zvi. |Investments / Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. |0073530611 (alk. paper) ||4708672 Library of Congress|HG 4521 |MU|mrym stkg|20080125|dc und|Jones, Charles Parker, 1943- |Investments : analysis and management / Charles P. Jones. |047004781X (pbk.) ||4415449 Library of Congress|HJ 85145 |CU|cuml stk|20071101|dc und||Development and external debt in Latin America : bases for a new consensus / edited by Richard E. Feinberg and Ricardo Ffrench-Davis. |0268008620 : ||811417 Library of Congress|HM 24 |GW|gwg w|20080404|dc und|Habermas, Jürgen. |Jürgen Habermas on society and politics : a reader / edited by Steven Seidman. |080702001X ||2288688 Library of Congress|HM 24 |GW|gwg w|20080404|dc und|Habermas, Jürgen. |Theory of communicative action / Jurgen Habermas ; translated by Thomas McCarthy. |0807015067 (v. 1) : ||1999389 Library of Congress|HM 251 |GW|gw nv|20080309|dc fac|Bandura, Albert, 1925- |Social foundations of thought and action : a social cognitive theory / Albert Bandura. |013815614X ||4456279 Library of Congress|HM 251 |MU|mrym stkg|20080225|dc und|Cooley, Charles Horton, 1864-1929. |On self and social organization / Charles Horton Cooley ; edited and with an introduction by Hans-Joachim Schubert. |0226115097 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3180259 Library of Congress|HM 500 |GW|gwg w|20071106|dc staf|Sturken, Marita, 1957- |Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture / Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright. |0198742711 ||3640955 Library of Congress|HM 500 |MU|mrym stkg|20080205|dc staf|Sturken, Marita, 1957- |Practices of looking : an introduction to visual culture / Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright. |0198742711 ||3731863 Library of Congress|HM 585 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Ritzer, George. |Sociological theory / George Ritzer and Douglas J. Goodman. |9780073528182 (hbk.) ||4614678 Library of Congress|HM 585 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Rubinstein, David (David M.), 1942- |Culture, structure & agency : toward a truly multidimensional society / David Rubinstein. |0761919287 ||3639476 Library of Congress|HM 585 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Stolley, Kathy S. |Basics of sociology / Kathy S. Stolley. |0313323879 (alk. paper) ||4415192 Library of Congress|HM 621 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Belsey, Catherine. |Culture and the real : theorizing cultural criticism / Catherine Belsey. |0415252881 (hbk : alk. paper) ||4171655 Library of Congress|HM 621 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Edgar, Andrew. |Cultural theory : the key thinkers / Andrew Edgar and Peter Sedgwick. |0415232805 (hbk.) ||3562628 Library of Congress|HM 621 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Mulhern, Francis. |Culture/metaculture / Francis Mulhern. |0415102294 (hbk.) ||3364294 Library of Congress|HM 623 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Hills, Matt, 1971- |How to do things with cultural theory / Matt Hills. |0340809159 (pbk.) ||4212346 Library of Congress|HM 626 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Klüver, Jürgen, 1941- |Essay concerning sociocultural evolution : theoretical principles and mathematical models / by Jürgen Klüver. |1402007507 (hb. : alk. paper) ||3759485 Library of Congress|HM 831 |AU|auc|20080410|dc und||World's greatest ideas : an encyclopedia of social inventions / edited by Nicholas Albery ... [et al.] ; preface by Jay Walljasper ; foreword by Brian Eno ; introduction by Kirkpatrick Sale. |0865714436 : ||3661934 Library of Congress|HN 49 |MU|mrym stkg|20080221|dc und||Extremist groups : opposing viewpoints / Karen F. Balkin, book editor. |0737722320 (lib. : alk. paper) ||4124966 Library of Congress|HN 592 |CU|cuml stk|20080128|dc und||Controversial issues in social policy / edited by Howard Jacob Karger, James Midgley. |0205137903 ||1002990 Library of Congress|HN 65 |AU|auc|20071031|dc fac||Issues for debate in American public policy : selections from The CQ researcher. |1568027567 ||3805168 Library of Congress|HQ 1075 |CU|cuml stk|20071114|dc und|Hopper, Robert. |Gendering talk / Robert Hopper. |0870136364 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3737569 Library of Congress|HQ 1075 |CU|cuml stk|20071114|dc und|Payne, Kay E., 1941- |Different but equal : communication between the sexes / Kay E. Payne. |0275965228 (alk. paper) ||3522073 Library of Congress|HQ 1075 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und||Changing sex and bending gender / edited by Alison Shaw and Shirley Ardener. |1845450531 (hardback) ||4284807 Library of Congress|HQ 117 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Sex and tourism : journeys of romance, love, and lust / Thomas G. Bauer, Bob McKercher, editors. |0789012022 (hard) ||3825596 Library of Congress|HQ 1170 |GW|gwg w|20080302|dc grad|Cooke, Miriam. |Women claim Islam : creating Islamic feminism through literature / Miriam Cooke. |0415925533 ||3566448 Library of Congress|HQ 1206 |WR|wrlc stor|20080318|dc und|Simmel, Georg, 1858-1918. |Georg Simmel on women, sexuality, and love / translated and with an introduction by Guy Oakes. |0300031955 ||739052 Library of Congress|HQ 1236 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Hepburn, Stephanie, 1977- |Women's roles and statuses the world over / Stephanie Hepburn and Rita J. Simon. |0739113569 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4499182 Library of Congress|HQ 12365 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Chou, Bih-Er. |Women in Taiwan politics : overcoming barriers to women's participation in a modernizing society / by Chou Bih-er, Cal Clark, Janet Clark. |1555871062 : ||366686 Library of Congress|HQ 12365 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Lambert, Caroline, 1970- |Critical chatter : women and human rights in South East Asia / Caroline Lambert, Sharon Pickering, Christine Alder. |0890891206 ||3833430 Library of Congress|HQ 12365 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und||Gender politics in the Asia-Pacific region / edited by Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Peggy Teo and Shirlena Huang. |041520660X (HB : alk. paper) ||3711250 Library of Congress|HQ 1418 |GW|gwg w|20080409|dc und|McMillen, Sally Gregory, 1944- |Seneca Falls and the origins of the women's rights movement / Sally G. McMillen. |9780195182651 (alk. paper) ||4744170 Library of Congress|HQ 185 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Brooks-Gordon, Belinda. |Price of sex : prostitution, policy and society / Belinda Brooks-Gordon. |1843920883 (hbk.) ||4372660 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Bishop, Ryan, 1959- |Night market : sexual cultures and the Thai economic miracle / Ryan Bishop and Lillian S. Robinson. |0415914280 (hc) ||2788016 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Ghosh, Lipi. |Prostitution in Thailand : myth and reality / Lipi Ghosh ; foreword by Ratnabali Chatterjee. |8121510279 ||3726254 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Jeffrey, Leslie Ann, 1967- |Sex and borders : gender, national identity, and prostitution policy in Thailand / Leslie Ann Jeffrey. |0774808721 ||3661202 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Odzer, Cleo. |Patpong sisters : an American woman's view of the Bangkok sex world / Cleo Odzer. |1559702818 (hc) ||3007624 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Pasuk Phongpaichit. |From peasant girls to Bangkok masseuses / Pasuk Phongpaichit. |922103013X ||234567 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Seabrook, Jeremy, 1939- |Travels in the skin trade : tourism and the sex industry / Jeremy Seabrook. |0745311156 (hbk) ||3259041 Library of Congress|HQ 24255 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Steinfatt, Thomas M., 1941- |Working at the bar : sex work and health communication in Thailand / Thomas M. Steinfatt. |156750566X (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3574822 Library of Congress|HQ 245 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Truong, Thanh-Dạm. |Sex, money, and morality : prostitution and tourism in Southeast Asia / Thanh-Dam Truong. |0862329361 (cloth) ||364489 Library of Congress|HQ 31 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und|Bader, Michael J. |Arousal : the secret logic of sexual fantasies / Michael J. Bader. |0312269331 ||3651886 Library of Congress|HQ 471 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Lane, Frederick S., 1963- |Obscene profits : the entrepreneurs of pornography in the cyber age / by Frederick S. Lane, III. |0415920965 (hc) ||3202739 Library of Congress|HQ 471 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Taylor, Maxwell, 1945- |Child pornography : an internet crime / Max Taylor and Ethel Quayle. |1583912436 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3827046 Library of Congress|HQ 756 |GW|gwg w|20071024|dc staf|Flouri, Eirini. |Fathering and child outcomes / Eirini Flouri. |0470861673 (hbk.) ||4169068 Library of Congress|HQ 756 |GW|gwg w|20071024|dc staf||Role of the father in child development / edited by Michael E. Lamb. |0471231614 (acid-free paper) ||3898123 Library of Congress|HQ 7665 |CU|cuml stk|20071201|dc und|Marshall, Robert G. (Robert Gerard) |Blessed are the barren : the social policy of Planned Parenthood / by Robert G. Marshall and Charles A. Donovan. |0898703530 (PB) ||971517 Library of Congress|HQ 7675 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Reardon, David C. |Aborted women : silent no more / David C. Reardon ; foreword by Nancyjo Mann. |082940578X ||280786 Library of Congress|HQ 772 |WR|wrlc stor|20080314|dc und|Gewirtz, Jacob L., 1924- |Attachment and dependency. Edited by Jacob L. Gewirtz. |0470297093 ||1231459 Library of Congress|HQ 7775 |CU|cuml stk|20070926|dc und|Harvey, John H., 1943- |Children of divorce : stories of loss and growth / John H. Harvey, Mark A. Fine. |0805846689 (c : alk. paper) ||4080062 Library of Congress|HQ 7775 |CU|cuml stk|20070926|dc und|Stevenson, Michael R. |How divorce affects offspring : a research approach / Michael R. Stevenson and Kathryn N. Black. |0813330475 (hardback : acid-free paper) ||1026693 Library of Congress|HQ 7775 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und|Wolfinger, Nicholas H., 1966- |Understanding the divorce cycle : the children of divorce in their own marriages / Nicholas H. Wolfinger. |0521851165 (hbk.) ||4182649 Library of Congress|HQ 797 |MU|mrym stkg|20071114|dc und|Nikkah, John. |Our boys speak : adolescent boys write about their inner lives / John Nikkah with Leah Furman. |0312262809 (pbk.) ||3312995 Library of Congress|HT 1049 |MU|mrym stkg|20071017|dc und||More than chattel : Black women and slavery in the Americas / edited by David Barry Gaspar and Darlene Clark Hine. |0253210437 ||2631134 Library of Congress|HT 1381 |AU|auc|20071215|dc und|Wright, John L. |Trans-Saharan slave trade / John Wright. |9780415380461 (hardback) ||4512146 Library of Congress|HT 177 |AU|auc|20071209|dc und|Williams, Brett. |Upscaling downtown : stalled gentrification in Washington, D.C. / Brett Williams. |0801494192 (pbk : alk. paper) ||3128243 Library of Congress|HV 1425 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und||Handbook of prevention and intervention programs for adolescent girls / edited by Craig Winston LeCroy, Joyce Elizabeth Mann. |9780471677963 (cloth : acid-free paper) ||4718933 Library of Congress|HV 1431 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Dryfoos, Joy G. |Adolescents at risk : prevalence and prevention / Joy G. Dryfoos. |0195057716 (alk. paper) ||993113 Library of Congress|HV 1445 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und|Seccombe, Karen, 1956- |"So you think I drive a Cadillac?" : welfare recipients' perspectives on the system and its reform / Karen Seccombe. |0205487394 ||4457892 Library of Congress|HV 40 |GW|gwg w|20080204|dc und|Jansson, Bruce S. |Becoming an effective policy advocate : from policy practice to social justice / Bruce S. Jansson. |0495006238 (casebound : alk. paper) ||4527343 Library of Congress|HV 43 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und||Differential diagnosis and treatment in social work / edited by Francis J. Turner ; with a foreword by Florence Hollis. |0028740076 ||1010440 Library of Congress|HV 4493 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Arnold, Kathleen R., 1966- |Homelessness, citizenship, and identity : the uncanniness of late modernity / Kathleen R. Arnold. |0791461114 (alk. paper) ||4005922 Library of Congress|HV 4493 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Arnold, Kathleen R., 1966- |Homelessness, citizenship, and identity : the uncanniness of late modernity / Kathleen R. Arnold. |0791461114 (alk. paper) ||4005922 Library of Congress|HV 4504 |CU|cuml stk|20080314|dc und|Rossi, Peter Henry, 1921- |Down and out in America : the origins of homelessness / Peter H. Rossi. |0226728285 (alk. paper) ||796867 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Bogard, Cynthia J. |Seasons such as these : how homelessness took shape in America / Cynthia J. Bogard. |0202307247 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3851160 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Kyle, Ken. |Contextualizing homelessness : critical theory, homelessness, and federal policy addressing the homeless / Ken Kyle. |0415974429 (hardcover) ||4181050 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und||Homelessness : a national perspective / edited by Marjorie J. Robertson and Milton Greenblatt. |0306437899 ||416712 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Bogard, Cynthia J. |Seasons such as these : how homelessness took shape in America / Cynthia J. Bogard. |0202307247 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3851160 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Kyle, Ken. |Contextualizing homelessness : critical theory, homelessness, and federal policy addressing the homeless / Ken Kyle. |0415974429 (hardcover) ||4181050 Library of Congress|HV 4505 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und||Homelessness : a national perspective / edited by Marjorie J. Robertson and Milton Greenblatt. |0306437899 ||416712 Library of Congress|HV 4506 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Borchard, Kurt, 1968- |Word on the street : homeless men in Las Vegas / Kurt Borchard. |0874176077 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4110771 Library of Congress|HV 4506 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Marcus, Anthony, 1963- |Where have all the homeless gone? : the making and unmaking of a crisis / Anthony Marcus. |1845450507 (alk. paper) ||4234679 Library of Congress|HV 4506 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Borchard, Kurt, 1968- |Word on the street : homeless men in Las Vegas / Kurt Borchard. |0874176077 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4110771 Library of Congress|HV 4506 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Marcus, Anthony, 1963- |Where have all the homeless gone? : the making and unmaking of a crisis / Anthony Marcus. |1845450507 (alk. paper) ||4234679 Library of Congress|HV 4509 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Karabanow, Jeff, 1969- |Being young and homeless : understanding how youth enter and exit street life / Jeff Karabanow. |0820467812 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4125445 Library of Congress|HV 4509 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Karabanow, Jeff, 1969- |Being young and homeless : understanding how youth enter and exit street life / Jeff Karabanow. |0820467812 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4125445 Library of Congress|HV 4545 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Wardhaugh, Julia, 1960- |Sub city : young people, homelessness and crime / Julia Wardhaugh. |1859725104 ||3279303 Library of Congress|HV 4545 |AU|auc|20070925|dc und|Watson, Sophie. |Housing and homelessness : a feminist perspective / Sophie Watson with Helen Austerberry. |0710204000 (pbk.) ||254698 Library of Congress|HV 4545 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Wardhaugh, Julia, 1960- |Sub city : young people, homelessness and crime / Julia Wardhaugh. |1859725104 ||3279303 Library of Congress|HV 4545 |AU|auc|20071106|dc und|Watson, Sophie. |Housing and homelessness : a feminist perspective / Sophie Watson with Helen Austerberry. |0710204000 (pbk.) ||254698 Library of Congress|HV 4998 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und||Substance misuse in adolescence / edited by Thomas P. Gullotta, Gerald R. Adams, Raymond Montemayor. |0803958781 ||997636 Library of Congress|HV 4999 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Jaynes, Judith H. |Adolescents, alcohol, and drugs : a practical guide for those who work with young people / by Judith H. Jaynes and Cheryl A. Rugg. |0398053936 ||941920 Library of Congress|HV 4999 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Schinke, Steven Paul. |Substance abuse in children and adolescents : evaluation and intervention / Steven P. Schinke, Gilbert J. Botvin, Mario A. Orlandi. |0803937482 (c) ||950885 Library of Congress|HV 5135 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Lowe, Geoff, 1940- |Adolescent drinking and family life / Geoff Lowe, David R. Foxcroft and David Sibley. |371865413X (hard) ||1013869 Library of Congress|HV 5824 |GW|gwg w|20071120|dc und|Sharpe, Tanya Telfair. |Behind the eight ball : sex for crack cocaine exchange and poor Black women / Tanya Telfair Sharpe. |078902456X (hc. : alk. paper) ||4217542 Library of Congress|HV 5825 |MU|mrym stkg|20080124|dc und|Gray, Mike. |Drug crazy : how we got into this mess and how we can get out / Mike Gray. |0679435336 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||2934529 Library of Congress|HV 60126 |CU|cuml stk|20080314|dc und|Van Whitlock, Rod. |Homelessness in America, 1893-1992 : an annotated bibliography / compiled by Rod Van Whitlock, Bernard Lubin, and Jean R. Sailors ; foreword by Irene S. Levine. |0313276234 (alk. paper) ||1004068 Library of Congress|HV 62504 |AU|auc|20071010|dc und|Prothrow-Stith, Deborah, 1954- |Deadly consequences / How violence is destroying our teenage popuulation and a plan to begin solving the problem Deborah Prothrow-Stith with Michaele Weissman. |0060163445 : ||395091 Library of Congress|HV 62504 |AU|auc|20071024|dc und||Violence against women / Karin L. Swisher, Carol Wekesser, book editors, William Barbour, assistant editor. |1565100700 (alk. paper) ||492547 Library of Congress|HV 62504 |GW|gwg w|20071202|dc und|Felson, Richard B. |Violence & gender reexamined / Richard B. Felson. |1557988951 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||3732241 Library of Congress|HV 6432 |AU|auc|20070923|dc fac|Yoo, John. |War by other means : an insider's account of the war on terror / John Yoo. |0871139456 ||4402056 Library of Congress|HV 6432 |AU|auc|20070923|dc fac||Introduction to homeland security / Jane A. Bullock ... [et al.]. |0750679921 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4496171 Library of Congress|HV 64324 |AU|auc|20070923|dc fac|Ball, Howard, 1937- |U.S. homeland security : a reference handbook / Howard Ball. |1851098038 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4243171 Library of Congress|HV 64327 |AU|auc|20070923|dc fac|Marrs, Jim. |Terror conspiracy : provocation, deception and 9/11 / Jim Marrs. |1932857435 (pbk.) ||4373658 Library of Congress|HV 6505 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Lester, David, 1942- |Serial killers : the insatiable passion / David Lester. |0914783777 ||2258300 Library of Congress|HV 6505 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Ramsland, Katherine M., 1953- |Human predator : a historical chronicle of serial murder and forensic investigation / Katherine Ramsland. |0425213781 : ||4484573 Library of Congress|HV 6515 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Segrave, Kerry, 1944- |Women serial and mass murderers : a worldwide reference, 1580 through 1990 / by Kerry Segrave. |0899506801 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) ||2347219 Library of Congress|HV 6515 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Segrave, Kerry, 1944- |Women serial and mass murderers : a worldwide reference, 1580 through 1990 / by Kerry Segrave. |0899506801 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) ||2347219 Library of Congress|HV 6515 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und||Serial killers : understanding lust murder / [edited by] Phillip C. Shon, Dragan Milovanovic. |159460178X ||4451489 Library of Congress|HV 6515 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und||Serial killers : understanding lust murder / [edited by] Phillip C. Shon, Dragan Milovanovic. |159460178X ||4451489 Library of Congress|HV 6517 |GW|gwg w|20070827|dc fac||Killing women : the visual culture of gender and violence / Annette Burfoot and Susan Lord, editors. |0889204977 ||4454873 Library of Congress|HV 6517 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Morrissey, Belinda. |When women kill : questions of agency and subjectivity / Belinda Morrissey. |0415260051 ||4132471 Library of Congress|HV 6517 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Morrissey, Belinda. |When women kill : questions of agency and subjectivity / Belinda Morrissey. |0415260051 ||4132471 Library of Congress|HV 6517 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und||Killing women : the visual culture of gender and violence / Annette Burfoot and Susan Lord, editors. |0889204977 ||4454873 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Adams, David, Ed. D. |Why do they kill? : men who murder their intimate partners / David Adams. |9780826515681 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4526981 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Adams, David, Ed. D. |Why do they kill? : men who murder their intimate partners / David Adams. |9780826515681 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4526981 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Fox, James Alan. |Extreme killing : understanding serial and mass murder / James Alan Fox and Jack Levin. |0761988564 (cloth) ||4152025 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Fox, James Alan. |Extreme killing : understanding serial and mass murder / James Alan Fox and Jack Levin. |0761988564 (cloth) ||4152025 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Hixson, Walter L. |Murder, culture, and injustice : four sensational cases in American history / Walter L. Hixson. |1884836674 ||3622168 Library of Congress|HV 6529 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Hixson, Walter L. |Murder, culture, and injustice : four sensational cases in American history / Walter L. Hixson. |1884836674 ||3622168 Library of Congress|HV 6535 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Rodríguez, Teresa. |Daughters of Juárez : a true story of serial murder south of the border / Teresa Rodriguez, Diana Montané with Lisa Pulitzer. |9780743292030 (hardcover) ||4506612 Library of Congress|HV 66262 |AU|auc|20071024|dc und|Stark, Evan. |Coercive control : the entrapment of women in personal life / Evan Stark. |0195154274 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4479098 Library of Congress|HV 699 |GW|gwg w|20071120|dc und|Ispa, Jean. |Keepin' on : the everyday struggles of young families in poverty / by Jean M. Ispa, Kathy R. Thornburg, Mark A. Fine ; with invited contributors. |1557667810 (alk. paper) ||4370203 Library of Congress|HV 713 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und|Fontana, Vincent J. |Maltreated child : the maltreatment syndrome in children : a medical, legal, and social guide /by Vincent J. Fontana and Douglas J. Besharov ; with a foreword by Mother Loretto Bernard. |0398039046 ||747208 Library of Congress|HV 713 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und|Scourfield, Jonathan, 1966- |Gender and child protection / Jonathan Scourfield ; consultant editor, Jo Campling. |033394979X (pbk.) ||3733185 Library of Congress|HV 713 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und|Waldfogel, Jane. |Future of child protection : how to break the cycle of abuse and neglect / Jane Waldfogel. |0674338111 (alk. paper) ||3247957 Library of Congress|HV 713 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und||Towards positive systems of child and family welfare : international comparisons of child protection, family service, and community caring systems / edited by Nancy Freymond and Gary Cameron. |0802090281 (bound) : ||4291525 Library of Congress|HV 741 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und|Child Welfare League of America. |CWLA standards of excellence for services for abused or neglected children and their families. |0878687122 ||3187106 Library of Congress|HV 741 |CU|cuml stk|20080218|dc und|Daro, Deborah. |Confronting child abuse : research for effective program design / Deborah Daro. |0029069319 ||996991 Library of Congress|HV 741 |CU|cuml stk|20080327|dc und|Levine, Murray, 1928- |Helping children : a social history / Murray Levine and Adeline Levine. |0195066995 (alk. paper) ||957977 Library of Congress|HV 741 |CU|cuml stk|20080406|dc und|Myers, John E. B. |Child protection in America : past, present, and future / John E.B. Myers. |0195169352 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4328444 Library of Congress|HV 741 |GW|gwg w|20071120|dc und|Erickson, Martha Farrell. |Infants, toddlers, and families : a framework for support and intervention / Martha Farrell Erickson, Karen Kurz-Riemer. |1572304871 (hardcover) ||3792529 Library of Congress|HV 741 |GW|gwg w|20071120|dc und||From generation to generation : the health and well-being of children in immigrant families / Donald J. Hernandez and Evan Charney, editors ; Committee on the Health and Adjustment of Immigrant Children and Families, Board on Children, Youth, and Families|0309065615 ||2915531 Library of Congress|HV 7419 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und||Administration and management of criminal justice organizations : a book of readings / [edited by] Stan Stojkovic, John Klofas, David Kalinich. |1577663101 ||4106858 Library of Congress|HV 751 |CU|cuml stk|20071105|dc und||Domestic violence and child protection : directions for good practice / edited by Cathy Humphreys and Nicky Stanley. |1843102765 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4361480 Library of Congress|HV 7935 |MU|mrym stkg|20080304|dc und||Contemporary police organization and management : issues and trends / edited by William G. Doerner and M.L. Dantzker. |0750671378 (alk. paper) ||3772998 Library of Congress|HV 87555 |CU|cuml stk|20080220|dc und|Nelson, Claudia. |Little strangers : portrayals of adoption and foster care in America, 1850-1929 / Claudia Nelson. |0253342244 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3767776 Library of Congress|HV 881 |CU|cuml stk|20080220|dc und||Young children and foster care : a guide for professionals / edited by Judith A. Silver, Barbara J. Amster, and Trude Haecker. |1557663815 ||3191776 Library of Congress|HV 9069 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und||Child delinquents : development, intervention, and service needs / Rolf Loeber and David P. Farrington, edotors. |0761922318 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3578165 Library of Congress|HV 91 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und|Hutton, Gary W. |Welfare fraud investigation / by Gary W. Hutton. |0398051402 ||250228 Library of Congress|HV 91 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und|Soss, Joe, 1967- |Unwanted claims : the politics of participation in the U.S. welfare system / Joe Soss. |047211168X ||3343746 Library of Congress|HV 91 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und|Zucchino, David. |Myth of the welfare queen : a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist's portrait of women on the line / David Zucchino. |0684819147 ||506493 Library of Congress|HV 91 |GW|gwg w|20080203|dc und|Harrington, Michael, 1928- |Other America; poverty in the United States. |||3675223 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und|Angenent, Huub. |Background factors of juvenile delinquency / Huub Angenent & Anton de Man. |0820428906 (alk. paper) ||2643678 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und|Caldwell, Robert Graham, 1904- |Juvenile delinquency [by] Robert G. Caldwell [and] James A. Black. |||540732 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und|Gibbons, Don C. |Delinquent behavior. |0131979892 : ||758372 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und|Henggeler, Scott W., 1950- |Delinquency in adolescence / Scott W. Henggeler. |0803932804 ||809938 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und|Murrell, Mary E. |Introduction to juvenile delinquency / Mary E. Murrell, David Lester. |0024787906 (pbk.) ||792976 Library of Congress|HV 9104 |CU|cuml stk|20080412|dc und||Youth violence and delinquency : monsters and myths / edited by Marilyn D. McShane and Frank P. Williams III. |9780275991128 (set : alk. paper) ||4707349 Library of Congress|HV 95 |GW|gwg w|20080203|dc und|Mead, Lawrence M. |New politics of poverty : the nonworking poor in America / Lawrence M. Mead. |0465059627 ||2339859 Library of Congress|HV 983 |CU|cuml stk|20080220|dc und|Hacsi, Timothy A. |Second home : orphan asylums and poor families in America / Timothy A. Hacsi. |0674796446 ||3007581 Library of Congress|HV 9950 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und|Magnani, Laura, 1949- |Beyond prisons : a new interfaith paradigm for our failed prison system / Laura Magnani, Harmon L. Wray. |0800638328 (alk. paper) ||4345790 Library of Congress|HV 9950 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und|Mann, Coramae Richey, 1931- |Unequal justice : a question of color / Coramae Richey Mann. |0253336767 (alk. paper) ||2430499 Library of Congress|HV 9950 |GW|gwg w|20071022|dc und|Shelden, Randall G., 1943- |Controlling the dangerous classes : a critical introduction to the history of criminal justice / Randall G. Shelden. |0205318894 (pbk.) ||3622279 Library of Congress|HV 9955 |MU|mrym stkg|20071204|dc und|Semmes, Raphael, 1890-1952. |Crime and punishment in early Maryland / by Raphael Semmes. |0801854245 ||2631793 Library of Congress|JA 66 |GW|gwg w|20080528|dc und|Ranney, Austin. |Governing : an introduction to political science / Austin Ranney. |0133610497 ||2411526 Library of Congress|JA 71 |GW|gw mt|20080528|dc und||Political science : an introduction / Michael G. Roskin ... [et al.]. |0130208728 ||3594325 Library of Congress|JC 311 |CU|cuml stk|20080324|dc und|Gellner, Ernest. |Nations and nationalism / Ernest Gellner. |0801416620 ||734931 Library of Congress|JK 1764 |GW|gwg w|20071015|dc fac|Ginsberg, Benjamin. |Politics by other means : politicians, prosecutors, and the press from Watergate to Whitewater / Benjamin Ginsberg, Martin Shefter. |039331877X (pbk.) ||3089597 Library of Congress|JK 2267 |AU|auc|20080606|dc und|Key, V. O. (Valdimer Orlando), 1908-1963. |Politics, parties, and pressure groups. |||68881 Library of Congress|JK 2271 |GW|gwg w|20080116|dc fac|Manza, Jeff. |Social cleavages and political change : voter alignments and U.S. party coalitions / Jeff Manza and Clem Brooks. |0198294921 ||3157754 Library of Congress|JK 2356 |GW|gwg w|20070820|dc fac|Fauntroy, Michael K. |Republicans and the Black vote / Michael K. Fauntroy. |158826470X (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4467599 Library of Congress|JK 2356 |GW|gwg w|20070820|dc fac|Hamburger, Tom, 1953- |One party country : the Republican plan for dominance in the 21st century / Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten. |0471776726 (cloth) ||4448719 Library of Congress|JK 2356 |GW|gwg w|20070820|dc fac|Novak, Robert D. |Agony of the G.O.P. 1964. |||1618643 Library of Congress|JK 4645 |AU|auc|20071113|dc fac|Crockett, James R. |Operation pretense : the FBI's sting on county corruption in Mississippi / James R. Crockett. |1578064961 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3761516 Library of Congress|JK 468 |AU|auc|20080229|dc und|Wilford, Hugh, 1965- |Mighty wurlitzer : how the CIA played America / Hugh Wilford. |9780674026810 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4711664 Library of Congress|JK 681 |WR|wrlc stor|20070813|dc fac|Van Riper, Paul P. |History of the United States civil service. |||69073 Library of Congress|JK 681 |WR|wrlc stor|20070823|dc fac|Van Riper, Paul P. |History of the United States civil service / by Paul P. Van Riper. -- |0837187559 ||1830828 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und|Cayer, N. Joseph. |Managing human resources : an introduction to public personnel administration / N. Joseph Cayer. |0312512449 ||197770 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und|Moore, Perry. |Public personnel management : a contingency approach / Perry Moore. |0669082023 (alk. paper) ||245962 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und|Stahl, O. Glenn (Oscar Glenn), 1910- |Public personnel administration. |||69443 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und|Sylvia, Ronald D., 1943- |Public personnel administration / Ronald D. Sylvia. |0534155049 (alk. paper) ||452591 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und||Personnel management in Government : politics and process / Jay M. Shafritz ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the International Personnel Management Association. |0824766296 ||166232 Library of Congress|JK 765 |AU|auc|20080224|dc und||Personnel management in government : politics and process / Jay M. Shafritz ... [et al.]. |0824705041 (alk. paper) ||4170841 Library of Congress|JN 30 |AU|auc|20080119|dc und|Dinan, Desmond, 1957- |Europe recast : a history of European Union / Desmond Dinan. |1588262057 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3905698 Library of Congress|JQ 629 |AU|auc|20080629|dc fac|Siddiqa-Agha, Ayesha. |Military Inc. : inside Pakistan's military economy / Ayesha Siddiqa. |9780745325460 (hbk.) ||4750370 Library of Congress|JQ 629 |AU|auc|20080629|dc fac||Pakistan National and Provincial Assembly Elections, 10 October 2002 : the report of the Commonwealth Observer Group. |0850927846 ||4479755 Library of Congress|JV 51 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Memmi, Albert. |Colonizer and the colonized / Albert Memmi ; introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre ; afterword by Susan Gilson Miller ; [translated by Howard Greenfeld]. |0807003018 (paper) ||3886428 Library of Congress|JV 51 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Memmi, Albert. |Decolonization and the decolonized / Albert Memmi ; translated by Robert Bononno. |0816647348 (hc : alk. paper) ||4408880 Library of Congress|JV 51 |GW|gwg w|20071116|dc und||Colonial discourse and post-colonial theory : a reader / edited and introduced by Patrick Williams and Laura Chrisman. |0231100213 (pbk.) ||2428558 Library of Congress|JZ 1318 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Ritzer, George. |Globalization of nothing / George Ritzer. |0761988068 (cloth) ||3836654 Library of Congress|JZ 1318 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Ritzer, George. |Globalization of nothing 2 / George Ritzer. |1412940214 (cloth) ||4475390 Library of Congress|JZ 1318 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und|Sassen, Saskia. |Sociology of globalization / Saskia Sassen. |0393927261 (pbk.) ||4521089 Library of Congress|JZ 1318 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und||Changing face of globalization / edited by Samir Dasgupta. |0761932909 (hard back) ||4118977 Library of Congress|JZ 1318 |GW|gwg w|20080315|dc und||Globalization and after / edited by Samir Dasgupta and Ray Kiely. |0761935061 (pbk.) ||4440956 Library of Congress|KF 1652 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad||Antitrust, innovation, and competitiveness / edited by Thomas M. Jorde, David J. Teece. |019506769X (acid-free paper) ||967652 Library of Congress|KF 1652 |CU|cuml stk|20071118|dc grad||Century of the Sherman Act : American economic opinion, 1890-1990 / edited by Jack C. High and Wayne E. Gable. |0913969419 (cloth : alk. paper) ||967657 Library of Congress|KF 228 |AU|auc|20070914|dc und|Robertson, Lindsay Gordon. |Conquest by law : how the discovery of America dispossessed indigenous peoples of their lands / Lindsay G. Robertson. |019514869X ||4192769 Library of Congress|KF 2979 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in the Emerging Information Infrastructure. |Digital dilemma : intellectual property in the information age / Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applic|0309064996 ||3137353 Library of Congress|KF 29895 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|Dukelow, Ruth H. |Library copyright guide / by Ruth H. Dukelow. |0892400676 ||975198 Library of Congress|KF 2994 |AU|auc|20080128|dc fac||Center for Intellectual Property handbook / edited by Kimberly M. Bonner and the staff of the Center for Intellectual Property. |1555705618 (alk. paper) ||4368062 Library of Congress|KF 3002 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac||Licensing in libraries : practical and ethical aspects / Karen Rupp-Serrano, editor. |0789028786 (alk. paper) ||4491081 Library of Congress|KF 3020 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|Patterson, L. Ray (Lyman Ray) |Nature of copyright : a law of users' rights / L. Ray Patterson & Stanley W. Lindberg ; foreword by Robert W. Kastenmeier. |0820313475 (permanent paper) ||995742 Library of Congress|KF 3022 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|Marke, Julius J. |Copyright and intellectual property, by Julius J. Marke. |||640644 Library of Congress|KF 30301 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|Bielefield, Arlene. |Technology and copyright law : a guidebook for the library, research, and teaching professions / by Arlene Bielefield and Lawrence Cheeseman. |1555702678 ||1014527 Library of Congress|KF 4155 |AU|auc|20080624|dc fac|Kluger, Richard. |Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's struggle for equality / by Richard Kluger. |0375414770 ||3969141 Library of Congress|KF 4155 |AU|auc|20080624|dc fac|Kluger, Richard. |Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's struggle for equality / by Richard Kluger. |0375414770 ||3969141 Library of Congress|KF 4315 |CU|cuml stk|20080116|dc fac|Bielefield, Arlene. |Library patrons and the law / Arlene Bielefield, Lawrence Cheeseman. |1555701329 ||2814327 Library of Congress|KF 4515 |GW|gwg w|20080421|dc und||Federalist : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States / Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison ; edited and with an introduction by Robert Scigliano. |0375757864 ||3694118 Library of Congress|KF 4515 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und||Federalist papers / Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. |0899666957 ||2326119 Library of Congress|KF 4744 |GW|gwg w|20080421|dc und|United States |Constitution of the United States and related documents. Edited by Martin Shapiro. |||1822710 Library of Congress|KF 4749 |GW|gwg w|20080421|dc und|Weinberger, Andrew D. |Freedom and protection; the Bill of Rights, by Andrew D. Weinberger. |0837164715 ||1600118 Library of Congress|KFV 24955 |MU|mrym stkg|20080513|dc fac|Newbeck, Phyl, 1961- |Virginia hasn't always been for lovers : interracial marriage bans and the case of Richard and Mildred Loving / Phyl Newbeck. |0809325284 (cloth binding : alk. paper) ||4011538 Library of Congress|KNP 4208 |AU|auc|20071130|dc und|Shee, Amy H. L. |Legal protection of children against sexual exploitation in Taiwan : a socio-legal perspective / Amy H.L. Shee. |1855218690 (hb) ||2835142 Library of Congress|LB 102755 |GW|gwg w|20080318|dc staf||Multicultural handbook of school psychology : an interdisciplinary perspective / edited by Giselle B. Esquivel, Emilia C. Lopez, Sara G. Nahari. |0805845623 ||4484646 Library of Congress|LB 102755 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Multicultural handbook of school psychology : an interdisciplinary perspective / edited by Giselle B. Esquivel, Emilia C. Lopez, Sara G. Nahari. |0805845623 ||4484646 Library of Congress|LB 1028 |MU|mrym stkg|20071130|dc fac|Hatch, J. Amos. |Doing qualitative research in education settings / J. Amos Hatch. |0791455033 (HC : alk. paper) ||3736552 Library of Congress|LB 1028 |MU|mrym stkg|20080605|dc fac|Hatch, J. Amos. |Doing qualitative research in education settings / J. Amos Hatch. |0791455033 (HC : alk. paper) ||3736552 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac|Veen, Wim. |Homo zappiens : growing up in a digital age / Wim Veen and Ben Vrakking. |9781855392205 (pbk.) ||4467474 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac|Wenglinsky, Harold. |Using technology wisely : the keys to success in schools / Harold Wenglinsky. |0807745847 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4122916 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac||Technology applications in education : a learning view / edited by Harold F. O'Neil, Jr., Ray S. Perez. |0805836497 (alk. paper) ||3846761 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20070927|dc fac|Wenglinsky, Harold. |Using technology wisely : the keys to success in schools / Harold Wenglinsky. |0807745847 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4122916 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20080103|dc fac|Veen, Wim. |Homo zappiens : growing up in a digital age / Wim Veen and Ben Vrakking. |9781855392205 (pbk.) ||4467474 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |CU|cuml stk|20080103|dc fac|Wenglinsky, Harold. |Using technology wisely : the keys to success in schools / Harold Wenglinsky. |0807745847 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4122916 Library of Congress|LB 10283 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf||Online assessment, measurement, and evaluation : emerging practices / David D. Williams, Mary Hricko, and Scott L. Howell, editors. |1591407478 (hc) ||4248703 Library of Congress|LB 102838 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac||Constructivism and the technology of instruction : a conversation / edited by Thomas M.Duffy, David H. Jonassen. |0805812725 ||1007675 Library of Congress|LB 102838 |GW|gwg w|20080311|dc fac|Shambaugh, R. Neal. |Mastering the possibilities : a process approach to instructional design / R. Neal Shambaugh, Susan G. Magliaro. |0205197957 ||2755671 Library of Congress|LB 102843 |CU|cuml stk|20080309|dc fac||Planning for two transformations in education and learning technology : report of a workshop / Committee on Improving Learning with Information Technology ; Roy Pea ... [et al.] editors. |0309089549 (pbk.) ||3865689 Library of Congress|LB 102843 |GW|gwg w|20080311|dc fac|Picciano, Anthony G. |Educational leadership and planning for technology / Anthony G. Picciano. |0130313920 ||3637333 Library of Congress|LB 1050 |WR|wrlc stor|20071108|dc grad||Reading disabilities : the interaction of reading, language, and neuropsychological deficits / Donald G. Doehring ... [et al.]. |0122191803 ||1948661 Library of Congress|LB 1050 |WR|wrlc stor|20071108|dc und||Reading disabilities : the interaction of reading, language, and neuropsychological deficits / Donald G. Doehring ... [et al.]. |0122191803 ||1948661 Library of Congress|LB 105045 |MU|mrym stkg|20080406|dc und||Reading comprehension strategies : theories, interventions, and technologies / edited by Danielle S. McNamara. |0805859675 (pbkb.) ||4578053 Library of Congress|LB 10505 |AU|auc|20071108|dc grad||Reading disabilities : a developmental language perspective / edited by Alan G. Kamhi, Hugh W. Catts. |0316482528 : ||366868 Library of Congress|LB 10505 |AU|auc|20071108|dc und||Reading disabilities : a developmental language perspective / edited by Alan G. Kamhi, Hugh W. Catts. |0316482528 : ||366868 Library of Congress|LB 1051 |CU|cuml stk|20070725|dc fac|Bigge, Morris L. |Learning theories for teachers [by] Morris L. Bigge. |0060406712 ||586234 Library of Congress|LB 1051 |CU|cuml stk|20070927|dc fac|Bigge, Morris L. |Learning theories for teachers [by] Morris L. Bigge. |0060406712 ||586234 Library of Congress|LB 1051 |CU|cuml stk|20080103|dc fac|Bigge, Morris L. |Learning theories for teachers [by] Morris L. Bigge. |0060406712 ||586234 Library of Congress|LB 1051 |WR|wrlc stor|20070725|dc fac|Skinner, B. F. (Burrhus Frederic), 1904-1990. |Technology of teaching [by] B. F. Skinner. |||3271328 Library of Congress|LB 1051 |WR|wrlc stor|20080103|dc fac|Skinner, B. F. (Burrhus Frederic), 1904-1990. |Technology of teaching [by] B. F. Skinner. |||3271328 Library of Congress|LB 1057 |AU|auc|20070924|dc und||Executive function in education : from theory to practice / edited by Lynn Meltzer. |9781593854287 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4460403 Library of Congress|LB 1060 |GW|gwg w|20071004|dc fac|Hashway, Robert M. |Developmental cognitive styles : a primer to the literature including an introduction to the theory of developmentalism / Robert Michael Hashway. |1572920874 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||2851761 Library of Congress|LB 1060 |GW|gwg w|20080107|dc fac|Hashway, Robert M. |Developmental cognitive styles : a primer to the literature including an introduction to the theory of developmentalism / Robert Michael Hashway. |1572920874 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||2851761 Library of Congress|LB 113923 |CU|cuml stk|20071121|dc fac||Early childhood qualitative research / edited by J. Amos Hatch. |041595472X (hardback) ||4507235 Library of Congress|LB 1570 |CU|cuml stk|20080309|dc fac||Curriculum integration K-12 : theory and practice / edited by James S. Etim. |0761828982 (paper : alk. paper) ||4408493 Library of Congress|LB 1570 |MU|mrym stkg|20080125|dc fac|Tanner, Daniel. |Curriculum development : theory into practice / Daniel Tanner, Laurel Tanner. |0130864730 ||4532543 Library of Congress|LB 282282 |CU|cuml stk|20080309|dc fac|Stefl-Mabry, Joette, 1952- |Knowledge communities : bringing the village into the classroom / Joette Stefl-Mabry, Barbara L. Lynch. |0810852284 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4365955 Library of Congress|LB 2825 |WR|wrlc stor|20080324|dc und|Buchanan, James M. |Academia in anarchy; an economic diagnosis [by] James M. Buchanan & Nicos E. Devletoglou. |0465000126 ||3530523 Library of Congress|LB 3051 |AU|auc|20071121|dc fac|Stiggins, Richard J. |Student-involved assessment for learning / Richard J. Stiggins. |0131183494 (pbk.) ||4111754 Library of Congress|LB 3051 |GW|gwg w|20071004|dc fac|Hashway, Robert M. |Assessment and evaluation of developmental learning : qualitative individual assessment and evaluation models / Robert M. Hashway. |0275943089 (alk. paper) ||3047333 Library of Congress|LB 3051 |GW|gwg w|20080107|dc fac|Hashway, Robert M. |Assessment and evaluation of developmental learning : qualitative individual assessment and evaluation models / Robert M. Hashway. |0275943089 (alk. paper) ||3047333 Library of Congress|LB 875 |AU|auc|20080612|dc und|Alridge, Derrick P. |Educational thought of W.E.B. Du Bois : an intellectual history / Derrick P. Alridge ; foreword by V.P. Franklin. |9780807748367 (papberback : alk. paper) ||4748875 Library of Congress|LC 155 |WR|wrlc stor|20071013|dc und|Miller, Valerie Lee. |Between struggle and hope : the Nicaraguan literacy crusade / Valerie Miller ; forewords by Carmen St. John Hunter. |0813300819 : ||2024053 Library of Congress|LC 2105 |AU|auc|20080626|dc fac||Toward positive youth development : transforming schools and community programs / editors, Marybeth Shinn, Hirokazu Yoshikawa. |9780195327892 (alk. paper) ||4760119 Library of Congress|LC 2132 |GW|gwg w|20071004|dc fac||Handbook of developmental education / edited by Robert M. Hashway. |0275932974 (alk. paper) ||2288458 Library of Congress|LC 2132 |GW|gwg w|20080107|dc fac||Handbook of developmental education / edited by Robert M. Hashway. |0275932974 (alk. paper) ||2288458 Library of Congress|LC 3981 |MU|mrym stkg|20071128|dc und|Obiakor, Festus E. |Multicultural special education : culturally responsive teaching / Festus E. Obiakor. |0131178121 (pbk.) ||4346946 Library of Congress|LC 4704 |AU|auc|20071128|dc und|Lerner, Janet W. |Learning disabilities and related disorders : characteristics and teaching strategies / Janet W. Lerner with Frank Kline. |0618474021 ||4398296 Library of Congress|LC 4704 |GW|gwg w|20071128|dc und||Learning about learning disabilities / edited by Bernice Y. L. Wong. |012762533X (hc : alk. paper) ||4124362 Library of Congress|LC 4704 |MU|mrym stkg|20071128|dc und||Learning disabilities : from identification to intervention / Jack M. Fletcher ... [et al.]. |9781593853709 ||4416283 Library of Congress|LC 470474 |AU|auc|20071128|dc und|Minskoff, Esther H. (Esther Hirsch) |Academic success strategies for adolescents with learning disabilities and ADHD / by Esther Minskoff and David Allsopp. |1557666253 ||4440785 Library of Congress|LC 5215 |AU|auc|20070908|dc und||Reflecting visions : new perspectives on adult education for indigenous peoples / ed. Linda King. |9282010864 ||3039245 Library of Congress|LC 5215 |AU|auc|20070908|dc und||Serving culturally diverse populations / Jovita M. Ross-Gordon, Larry G. Martin, Diane Buck Briscoe, editors. |1555428029 ||409522 Library of Congress|LC 5219 |AU|auc|20070908|dc und|Elias, John L., 1933- |Philosophical foundations of adult education / by John L. Elias and Sharan Merriam. |088275971X ||190168 Library of Congress|LC 5219 |AU|auc|20070908|dc und||Adult literacy, numeracy and language : policy, practice and research / edited by Lyn Tett, Mary Hamilton and Yvonne Hillier. |0335219373 (pbk) ||4416387 Library of Congress|LC 5255 |AU|auc|20071006|dc und||Global issues and adult education : perspectives from Latin America, Southern Africa, and the United States / Sharan B. Merriam, Bradley C. Courtenay, and Ronald M. Cervero, editors ; foreword by Gail McClure. |0787978108 (cloth) ||4277719 Library of Congress|ML 3477 |WR|wrlc stor|20080131|dc und|Early, Gerald Lyn. |One nation under a groove : Motown and American culture / by Gerald Early. |0880013796 ||1282285 Library of Congress|ML 34777 |AU|auc|20080612|dc und|Hartman, Gary. |History of Texas music / Gary Hartman. |9781603440011 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4762123 Library of Congress|ML 3479 |AU|auc|20080622|dc und|Banfield, William C., 1961- |Black notes : essays of a musician writing in a post-album age / William C. Banfield. |081085287X (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4027252 Library of Congress|ML 3521 |AU|auc|20080622|dc und|Oliver, Paul, 1927- |Broadcasting the blues : black blues in the segregation era / Paul Oliver. |0415971764 (hardback : alk. paper) ||4219554 Library of Congress|ML 3531 |GW|gwg w|20070922|dc und|George, Nelson. |Hip hop America / by Nelson George. |0670871532 (alk. paper) ||2980151 Library of Congress|ML 3790 |AU|auc|20080622|dc und|Gordon, Steve. |Future of the music business : how to succeed with the new digital technologies : a guide for artists and entrepreneurs / by Steve Gordon. |0879308443 (alk. paper) ||4147121 Library of Congress|ML 3918 |GW|gwg w|20070922|dc und||Resisting muse : popular music and social protest / edited by Ian Peddie. |0754651134 (hardback : alk. paper) ||4513454 Library of Congress|ML 420 |AU|auc|20070911|dc und|Wald, Gayle, 1965- |Shout, sister, shout! : the untold story of rock-and-roll trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe / Gayle F. Wald. |0807009849 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4457189 Library of Congress|ML 420 |GW|gwg w|20070922|dc und|Wolff, Daniel. |You send me : the life and times of Sam Cooke / Daniel Wolff with S.R. Crain ... [et al.]. |0688124038 (acid-free paper) ||2470842 Library of Congress|MT 340 |GW|gwg w|20071001|dc und|Rowland-Jones, Anthony. |Introduction to the recorder : a tutor for adults / A. Rowland-Jones. -- |0193223414 ||2130454 Library of Congress|MT 599 |AU|auc|20071005|dc staf|Rainey, Chuck. |Complete electric bass player / by Chuck Rainey. |0825624258 (bk. 1) ||4146255 Library of Congress|N 65105 |GW|gw mt|20080128|dc nond|Cooper, Wendy A. |Classical taste in America 1800-1840 / Wendy A. Cooper. |1558593853 ||3021388 Library of Congress|N 6537 |GW|gwg wv|20071022|dc staf||Symphonic poem : the art of Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson / [preface by Kenneth W. Goings ; essays by Carole Miller Genshaft ... et al.]. |0810945053 (Abrams) ||3758412 Library of Congress|N 6537 |GW|gwg wv|20071026|dc staf||Symphonic poem : the art of Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson / [preface by Kenneth W. Goings ; essays by Carole Miller Genshaft ... et al.]. |0810945053 (Abrams) ||3758412 Library of Congress|N 7430 |AU|auc|20080206|dc und||Art fundamentals : theory and practice / Otto G. Ocvirk ... [et al.]. |007240700X (pbk. : acid-free paper) ||3832176 Library of Congress|NA 254235 |GW|gw mt|20070916|dc und|Benzel, Katherine F. |Room in context : design beyond boundaries / Katherine F. Benzel. |007005956X (acid-free paper) ||3142121 Library of Congress|NA 737 |CU|cuen|20070913|dc grad|Manson, Grant Carpenter. |Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910: the first golden age. |||2984738 Library of Congress|NA 737 |CU|cuen|20070913|dc grad|Toker, Franklin. |Fallingwater rising : Frank Lloyd Wright, E.J. Kaufmann, and America's most extraordinary house / Franklin Toker. |1400040264 (hc : alk. paper) ||3838712 Library of Congress|NA 737 |CU|cuen|20070913|dc grad||Fallingwater and Pittsburgh / Narciso G. Menocal, editor. |080931956X (hbk.) ||3186144 Library of Congress|NA 7863 |CU|cuen|20070920|dc grad|Sbriglio, Jacques. |Immeuble 24 N.C. et appartement Le Corbusier = Apartment Block 24 N.C. and Le Corbusier's home / Jacques Sbriglio ; [translation from French into English, Sarah Parsons]. |0817654321 (alk paper) ||2977178 Library of Congress|NC 1001 |MU|mrym stk2|20070710|dc und|Baron, Cynthia. |Designing a digital portfolio / Cynthia L. Baron. |0735713944 (pbk.) ||3980090 Library of Congress|NC 9785 |AU|auc|20080423|dc und|Lundin, Anne H., 1944- |Victorian horizons : the reception of the picture books of Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, and Kate Greenaway / Anne Lundin. |0810837390 (alk. paper) ||3548757 Library of Congress|NC 9785 |GW|gwg w|20080423|dc und|Desmarais, Robert J. |Randolph Caldecott : his books and illustrations for young readers / Robert J. Desmarais. |1551952076 (paper) ||4710595 Library of Congress|ND 615 |AU|auc|20071105|dc fac|Longhi, Roberto, 1890-1970. |Three studies / Robert Longhi. |1878818511 (hardcover) ||3805387 Library of Congress|ND 623 |GW|gwg w|20071102|dc fac||Altarpiece of the Madonna of Mercy at Borgo San Sepolcro. |||2297637 Library of Congress|NK 2113 |GW|gw mt|20070916|dc und|Abercrombie, Stanley. |Philosophy of interior design / Stanley Abercrombie. |0064302962 : ||3029072 Library of Congress|NK 2195 |GW|gw mt|20070922|dc und|Caywood, Douglas B. |Designer's workspace : ultimate office design / Douglas B. Caywood. |0750657391 ||3917500 Library of Congress|NK 2195 |GW|gw mt|20070922|dc und|Mays, Vernon. |Office & work spaces : international portfolio of 43 designers. |1564968065 ||3572293 Library of Congress|NK 2195 |GW|gw mt|20070922|dc und||Corporate interiors. No. 5. |1584710314 ||3828455 Library of Congress|NK 9406 |MU|mrym stk2|20080530|dc fac|Palliser, Bury, Mrs., 1805-1878. |History of lace / by Mrs. Bury Palliser ; entirely revised, re- written, and enlarged under the editorship of M. Jourdain and Alice Dryden. |0486247422 (pbk.) : ||2581227 Library of Congress|NX 180 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002. |Field of cultural production : essays on art and literature / Pierre Bourdieu ; edited and introduced by Randal Johnson. |023108286X : ||432795 Library of Congress|P 120 |GW|gwg w|20080304|dc fac|Levorato, Alessandra, 1960- |Language and gender in the fairy tale tradition : a linguistic analysis of old and new story telling / Alessandra Levorato. |1403907889 ||3875677 Library of Congress|P 93 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Krippendorff, Klaus. |Content analysis : an introduction to its methodology / Klaus Krippendorff. |0761915443 (acid-free paper) ||3891960 Library of Congress|P 93 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Krippendorff, Klaus. |Content analysis : an introduction to its methodology / Klaus Krippendorff. |0803914970 ||2198208 Library of Congress|P 935 |CU|cuml stk|20080329|dc fac|Morgan, John, 1944 Apr. 26- |See what I mean? : an introduction to visual communication / John Morgan and Peter Welton. |0340557818 (pbk) ||989088 Library of Congress|P 94 |AU|auc|20071205|dc fac||Book of imaginary media : excavating the dream of the ultimate communication medium / edited by Eric Kluitenberg. |9789056625399 (pbk.) ||4516958 Library of Congress|P 945 |AU|auc|20071203|dc fac|Entman, Robert M. |Black image in the white mind : media and race in America / Robert M. Entman and Andrew Rojecki. |0226210758 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3269208 Library of Congress|P 945 |AU|auc|20080612|dc und||Amish and the media / edited by Diana Zimmerman Umble and David L. Weaver-Zercher. |9780801887895 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4760093 Library of Congress|P 9465 |CU|cuml stk|20080611|dc fac|Jenkins, Henry, 1958- |Convergence culture : where old and new media collide / Henry Jenkins. |0814742815 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4374960 Library of Congress|P 96 |GW|gwg w|20070803|dc fac|Jenkins, Henry, 1958- |Fans, bloggers, and gamers : exploring participatory culture / Henry Jenkins. |081474284X (cloth : alk. paper) ||4369604 Library of Congress|PA 3067 |AU|auc|20080616|dc und||Making silence speak : women's voices in Greek literature and society / edited by André Lardinois and Laura McClure. |069100465X (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3433215 Library of Congress|PA 4413 |AU|auc|20080616|dc und|Benardete, Seth. |Sacred transgressions : a reading of Sophocles' Antigone / Seth Benardete. |1890318779 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3227058 Library of Congress|PA 4413 |AU|auc|20080616|dc und|Sophocles. |Antigone / Sophocles ; edited by Mark Griffith. |0521330564 (hbk.) ||3111481 Library of Congress|PA 4413 |AU|auc|20080616|dc und|Steiner, George, 1929- |Antigones / George Steiner. |0198126654 ||233854 Library of Congress|PA 4413 |AU|auc|20080616|dc und|Tyrrell, William Blake. |Recapturing Sophocles' Antigone / Wm. Blake Tyrrell and Larry J. Bennett. |0847692167 (cloth : alk. paper) ||2985898 Library of Congress|PA 4413 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und||Oedipus Rex, a mirror for Greek drama / [compiled by] Albert Cook. |0917974840 (pbk.) ||217784 Library of Congress|PA 4414 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Sophocles. |Oedipus tyrannus / Sophocles ; translated, with introduction and notes, by Peter Meineck and Paul Woodruff. |0872204936 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3278447 Library of Congress|PA 4414 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Sophocles. |Oedipus tyrannus; a new translation. Passages from ancient authors. Religion and psychology: some studies. Criticism. Translated and edited by Luci Berkowitz and Theodore F. Brunner. |0393098745 (pbk) ||11678 Library of Congress|PA 4414 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Sophocles. |Theban plays / Sophocles ; translated, with introduction and notes, by Peter Meineck and Paul Woodruff. |0872205851 (paper : acid-free paper) ||4367884 Library of Congress|PA 4414 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Sophocles. |Three Theban plays : Antingone, Oedipus the king, Oedipus at Colonus / Sophocles ; translated by Robert Fagles ; introductions and notes by Bernard Knox. |0140444254 (pbk.) ||3052546 Library of Congress|PA 4417 |CU|cuml stk|20080326|dc und|Hogan, James C. |Plays of Sophocles : a companion to the University of Chicago Press translations / with introduction and commentary by James C. Hogan. |1853991813 (pbk.) : ||1000771 Library of Congress|PA 4417 |CU|cuml stk|20080326|dc und|Winnington-Ingram, R. P. (Reginald Pepys), 1904- |Sophocles : an interpretation / R. P. Winnington-Ingram. |0521226724 ||701399 Library of Congress|PJ 8082 |GW|gwg w|20080422|dc grad|Accad, Evelyne. |Sexuality and war : literary masks of the Middle East / Evelyne Accad. |0814705952 (alk. paper) : ||2292032 Library of Congress|PK 6436 |GW|gwg w|20080422|dc grad||Women of the Fertile Crescent : an anthology of modern poetry / by Arab women ; edited with translations by Kamal Boullata. -- |0914478419 ||2163880 Library of Congress|PK 6561 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Bihbihānī, Sīmīn. |Cup of sin : selected poems / Simin Behbahani ; edited and translated from the Persian by Farzaneh Milani and Kaveh Safa ; with introductory essays by the poet and an afterword by Kaveh Safeh. |0815605544 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4350652 Library of Congress|PL 534 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Bunt, Jonathan. |Oxford Japanese grammar and verbs / Jonathan Bunt. |0198603827 ||3878475 Library of Congress|PL 535 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Young, John, 1920- |Learn Japanese: pattern approach [by] John Young [and] Kimiko Nakajima. |||223186 Library of Congress|PL 679 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und|Vance, Timothy J. |Kodansha's romanized Japanese-English dictionary / Timothy J. Vance. |4770016034 : ||489033 Library of Congress|PL 721 |AU|auc|20080405|dc und|Napier, Susan (Susan Jolliffe) |Fantastic in modern Japanese literature : the subversion of modernity / Susan J. Napier. |0415124573 (cased) : ||493521 Library of Congress|PL 72665 |AU|auc|20080405|dc und|Gabriel, J. Philip. |Spirit matters : the transcendent in modern Japanese literature / Philip Gabriel. |0824829743 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4268589 Library of Congress|PL 8010 |AU|auc|20071116|dc und|Booker, M. Keith. |African novel in English : an introduction / M. Keith Booker. |0325000301 ||2816528 Library of Congress|PL 8010 |GW|gwg w|20080304|dc grad|Irele, Abiola. |African imagination : literature in Africa & the Black diaspora / F. Abiola Irele. |019508618X (cloth : acid-free paper) ||3659881 Library of Congress|PL 8011 |AU|auc|20080403|dc fac|Bâ, Mariama. |So long a letter / Mariama Bâ ; translated from the French by Modupé Bodé-Thomas. |0435902482 (pbk.) : ||223536 Library of Congress|PL 8021 |AU|auc|20080127|dc fac|Achebe, Chinua |Morning yet on creation day : essays / Chinua Achebe. |0385017030 : ||123739 Library of Congress|PL 83799 |WR|wrlc stor|20080304|dc und|Ngũgĩ wa Thiongʾo, 1938- |I will marry when I want / Ngũgĩ wa Thiongʾo and Ngũgĩ wa Mĩriĩ; translated from the Gĩkũyũ by the authors. |0435902466 : ||3309139 Library of Congress|PL 856 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Seats, Michael, 1958- |Murakami Haruki : the simulacrum in contemporary Japanese culture / Michael Seats. |0739107852 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4431182 Library of Congress|PN 1009 |AU|auc|20070928|dc fac||Art, narrative and childhood / edited by Morag Styles and Eve Bearne. |1858562635 ||3840872 Library of Congress|PN 1590 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und|Buhle, Paul, 1944- |Hide in plain sight : the Hollywood blacklistees in film and television, 1950-2002 / Paul Buhle and Dave Wagner. |1403961441 (hardback) ||3888229 Library of Congress|PN 175 |GW|gwg w|20080207|dc grad|Combs, Steven C., 1957- |Dao of rhetoric / Steven C. Combs. |0791462811 (alk. paper) ||4114531 Library of Congress|PN 199277 |AU|auc|20071113|dc staf|Sorkin, Aaron. |West Wing : seasons 3 & 4 : the shooting scripts. |1557046123 (pbk.) : ||3905816 Library of Congress|PN 199277 |GW|gwg w|20080519|dc staf|Crawley, Melissa, 1971- |Mr. Sorkin goes to Washington : shaping the president on television's the West Wing / Melissa Crawley. |0786424397 (softcover : alk. paper) ||4741853 Library of Congress|PN 1995 |AU|auc|20080119|dc fac|McGowan, Todd. |Real gaze : film theory after Lacan / Todd McGowan. |0791470393 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4462531 Library of Congress|PN 19953 |AU|auc|20070810|dc fac||It's a print! : detective fiction from page to screen / edited by William Reynolds, Elizabeth A. Trembley. |087972661X ||464071 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|Clover, Carol J., 1940- |Men, women, and chain saws : gender in the modern horror film / by Carol J. Clover. |0691048029 : ||428250 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|Creed, Barbara. |Monstrous-feminine : film, feminism, psychoanalysis / Barbara Creed. |0415052580 ||446272 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|Magistrale, Tony. |Abject terrors : surveying the modern and postmodern horror film / Tony Magistrale. |0820470562 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4366540 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|McCabe, Janet. |Feminist film studies : writing the woman into cinema / Janet McCabe. |1904764037 (pbk.) ||4111644 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|Wells, Paul, 1961- |Horror genre : from Beelzebub to Blair Witch / Paul Wells. |1903364000 ||3530704 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071113|dc staf|Bolam, Sarah Miles, 1934- |Presidents on film : a comprehensive filmography of portrayals from George Washington to George W. Bush / Sarah Miles Bolam and Thomas J. Bolam. |0786424818 (illustrated case : alk. paper) ||4449809 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|Clover, Carol J., 1940- |Men, women, and chain saws : gender in the modern horror film / by Carol J. Clover. |0691048029 : ||428250 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|Creed, Barbara. |Monstrous-feminine : film, feminism, psychoanalysis / Barbara Creed. |0415052580 ||446272 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|Magistrale, Tony. |Abject terrors : surveying the modern and postmodern horror film / Tony Magistrale. |0820470562 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4366540 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|McCabe, Janet. |Feminist film studies : writing the woman into cinema / Janet McCabe. |1904764037 (pbk.) ||4111644 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|Wells, Paul, 1961- |Horror genre : from Beelzebub to Blair Witch / Paul Wells. |1903364000 ||3530704 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20080114|dc staf|Anderson, Mark Cronlund, 1960- |Cowboy imperialism and Hollywood film / Mark Cronlund Anderson. |9780820495453 (pb : alk. paper) ||4526618 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |AU|auc|20080519|dc und|Shaheen, Jack G., 1935- |Guilty : Hollywood's verdict on Arabs after 9/11 / Jack G. Shaheen. |9781566566841 (pbk.) ||4742972 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |CU|cuml stk|20080114|dc staf|Booker, M. Keith. |From box office to ballot box : the American political film / M. Keith Booker. |0275991229 (alk. paper) ||4480512 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |CU|cuml stk|20080213|dc staf|McCrisken, Trevor B., 1968- |American history and contemporary Hollywood film / Trevor B. McCrisken and Andrew Pepper. |0813536200 (alk. paper) ||4080024 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |GW|gwg w|20080114|dc staf|Weber, Cynthia. |Imagining America at war : morality, politics and film / Cynthia Weber. |0415375363 (hbk.) ||4317793 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |GW|gwg w|20080114|dc staf||Cinema and popular geo-politics / edited by Marcus Power and Andrew Crampton. |0415348188 (hbk.) ||4446563 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und|Cormack, Michael J. |Ideology and cinematography in Hollywood, 1930-39 / Mike Cormack. |031210085X (cl.) ||2410607 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und|Ross, Steven J., 1949- |Working-class Hollywood : silent film and the shaping of class in America / Steven J. Ross. |0691032343 (alk. paper) ||2767318 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |GW|gwg w|20080611|dc und||Imaging blackness : race and racial representation in film poster art / edited and curated by Audrey Thomas McCluskey ; foreword by Melvin Van Peebles. |0253217792 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4478879 Library of Congress|PN 19959 |MU|mrym stk2|20071113|dc staf|Toplin, Robert Brent, 1940- |History by Hollywood : the use and abuse of the American past / Robert Brent Toplin. |0252065360 ||2633068 Library of Congress|PN 1997 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Clover, Joshua. |Matrix / Joshua Clover. |1844570452 (pbk.) ||4105601 Library of Congress|PN 1997 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Corliss, Richard. |Lolita / Richard Corliss. |0851703682 ||4448552 Library of Congress|PN 199785 |CU|cuml stk|20070827|dc fac|Naremore, James. |Film adaptation / edited and with an introduction by James Naremore. |0813528135 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3361829 Library of Congress|PN 199785 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Cahir, Linda Costanzo. |Literature into film : theory and practical approaches / Linda Costanzo Cahir ; foreword by James M. Welsh. |0786425970 (softcover : alk. paper) ||4305592 Library of Congress|PN 199785 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Elliott, Kamilla, 1957- |Rethinking the novel/film debate / Kamilla Elliott. |0521818443 ||3897753 Library of Congress|PN 199785 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac||Books in motion : adaptation, intertextuality, authorship / edited by Mireia Aragay. |9042019573 ||4327627 Library of Congress|PN 199785 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac||Cambridge companion to literature on screen / edited by Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan. |9780521849623 (hbk.) ||4501847 Library of Congress|PN 2053 |GW|gwg w|20070923|dc fac|Miles-Brown, John. |Directing drama / John Miles-Brown. |0720606888 ||2465656 Library of Congress|PN 2053 |GW|gwg w|20070923|dc fac|O'Neill, R. H. |Director as artist : play direction today / R.H. O'Neill and N.M. Boretz. |0030641462 ||2092486 Library of Congress|PN 2091 |GW|gwg w|20070822|dc fac|Buerki, F. A. |Stagecraft for nonprofessionals / F.A. Buerki. |0299093506 : ||1988864 Library of Congress|PN 2091 |GW|gwg w|20070822|dc fac|Carter, Paul. |Backstage handbook : an illustrated almanac of technical information / by Paul Carter ; illustrations by George Chiang. |091174729X (soft cover) : ||2770030 Library of Congress|PN 29245 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Mezur, Katherine. |Beautiful boys/outlaw bodies : devising Kabuki female-likeness / Katherine Mezur. |1403967121 ||4207718 Library of Congress|PN 3435 |AU|auc|20080405|dc und|Jackson, Rosemary. |Fantasy : the literature of subversion / Rosemary Jackson. |0416711707 ||515219 Library of Congress|PN 3435 |MU|mrym stk2|20071030|dc fac|Todorov, Tzvetan, 1939- |Fantastic : a structural approach to a literary genre / Tzvetan Todorov ; translated from the French by Richard Howard ; with a foreword by Robert Scholes. |0801491460 : ||2529751 Library of Congress|PN 3448 |AU|auc|20070827|dc fac||Art of detective fiction / edited by Warren Chernaik, Martin Swales and Robert Vilain. |0333746015 (Macmillan) ||3294670 Library of Congress|PN 3448 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Porter, Dennis, 1933- |Pursuit of crime : art and ideology in detective fiction / Dennis Porter. |0300027222 ||1943778 Library of Congress|PN 471 |GW|gwg w|20070926|dc und||Postcolonial perspectives on women writers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the U.S. / edited by Martin Japtok. |1592210686 (pbk.) ||4530833 Library of Congress|PN 4784 |GW|gwg w|20080325|dc fac|Samāddāra, Rạnabīra. |Workers and automation : the impact of new technology in the newspaper industry / Ranabir Samaddar. |0803991746 (U.S.) ||2243077 Library of Congress|PN 4879 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Blue pencils & hidden hands : women editing periodicals, 1830-1910 / edited by Sharon M. Harris with Ellen Gruber Garvey. |1555536131 (alk. paper) ||4476894 Library of Congress|PN 563 |CU|cuml stk|20071113|dc und|Daileader, Celia R. |Racism, misogyny, and the Othello myth : inter-racial couples from Shakespeare to Spike Lee / Celia R. Daileader. |0521848784 (hbk.) ||4229000 Library of Congress|PN 6013 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc law|Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1846-1916, |Fiction, edited by Hamilton W. Mabie. |||3620712 Library of Congress|PN 6728 |AU|auc|20070722|dc und|Pekar, Harvey. |Best of American splendor / stories by Harvey Pekar ; art by Dean Haspiel ... [et al.] |0345479386 (pbk.) ||4059929 Library of Congress|PN 761 |GW|gwg w|20071030|dc fac|Morris, Pam, 1940- |Realism / Pam Morris. |0415229383 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3862367 Library of Congress|PN 771 |GW|gwg w|20071030|dc fac||Popular & the canonical : debating twentieth-century literature 1940-2000 / edited by David Johnson. |0415351693 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4237368 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Altieri, Charles, 1942- |Canons and consequences : reflections on the ethical force of imaginative ideals / Charles Altieri. |081010914X (alk. paper) ||386286 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Cox, R. David. |Student critic; thinking and writing about literature [by] R. David Cox [and] Stephen Lewis. |0876268491 ||95364 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Gorak, Jan, 1952- |Making of the modern canon : genesis and crisis of a literary idea / Jan Gorak. |0485113880 ||381875 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad||Critical terms for literary study / edited by Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. |0226472019 (alk. paper) ||317950 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Belsey, Catherine. |Critical practice / Catherine Belsey. |041502563X (pbk) : ||4073282 Library of Congress|PN 81 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Easthope, Antony. |Literary into cultural studies / Antony Easthope. |0415066409 ||417152 Library of Congress|PN 81 |CU|cuml stk|20071126|dc und|Tyson, Lois, 1950- |Critical theory today : a user-friendly guide / Lois Tyson. |081532880X(alk. paper) ||3002498 Library of Congress|PN 94 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und||Modern literary theory, a comparative introduction / edited by Ann Jefferson and David Robey ; with contributions from David Forgacs ... [et al.]. |0389203068 ||217297 Library of Congress|PN 98 |MU|mrym stk2|20071114|dc und|Eagleton, Terry, 1943- |Criticism and ideology : a study in Marxist literary theory / Terry Eagleton. |1844670805 (pbk.) ||4339340 Library of Congress|PQ 2157 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc law|Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850 |Oeuvres complètes de H. de Balzac. |||2181919 Library of Congress|PQ 7083 |AU|auc|20071016|dc und||Writing toward hope : the literature of human rights in Latin America / [edited by] Marjorie Agosín. |0300109423 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4436179 Library of Congress|PQ 7083 |AU|auc|20080128|dc und||Introducción a la literatura hispano-americana : de la conquista al siglo XX / Gladys M. Varona-Lacey [editor]. |0844276790 ||3126649 Library of Congress|PQ 7389 |GW|gwg w|20071207|dc und|Guillén, Nicolás, 1902- |Man-making words : selected poems of Nicolás Guillén / translated, annotated, with an introduction by Roberto Márquez and David Arthur McMurray. |1558494103 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3876035 Library of Congress|PQ 80981 |GW|gwg w|20071004|dc und|Allende, Isabel. |Conversations with Isabel Allende / edited by John Rodden ; foreword by Isabel Allende. |0292702116 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3969788 Library of Congress|PQ 80981 |GW|gwg w|20071016|dc und|Allende, Isabel. |My invented country : a nostalgic journey through Chile / Isabel Allende ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden. |006054564X ||3788917 Library of Congress|PR 1109 |GW|gwg w|20071112|dc und||Norton anthology of English literature / M. H. Abrams, general editor ... [et al.] [end paper map by A. Karl, H. George]. |0393950395 (v. 1) ||2337303 Library of Congress|PR 151 |GW|gwg w|20071102|dc und|Mitchell, Marea, 1959- |Representing women and female desire from Arcadia to Jane Eyre / Marea Mitchell and Dianne Osland. |1403943311 ||4219928 Library of Congress|PR 1583 |GW|gwg w|20070915|dc und||Beowulf, a verse translation : authoritative text, contexts, criticism / translated by Seamus Heaney ; edited by Daniel Donoghue. |0393975800 (pbk.) ||3532970 Library of Congress|PR 1585 |AU|auc|20071004|dc und|Ogilvy, J. D. A., 1903- |Reading Beowulf : an introduction to the poem, its background, and its style / by J.D.A. Ogilvy and Donald C. Baker ; drawings by Keith Baker. |0806118482 ||228705 Library of Congress|PR 1866 |GW|gwg w|20070919|dc und|Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. |Canterbury tales : nine tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism / selected and edited by V.A. Kolve, Glending Olson. |0393952452 ||2296580 Library of Congress|PR 1868 |GW|gwg w|20070919|dc und|Jones, Terry, 1942- |Chaucer's knight : the portrait of a medieval mercenary / Terry Jones. |0413575101 (pbk.) ||2047336 Library of Congress|PR 1870 |GW|gwg w|20070915|dc und|Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. |Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer ; original text edited by F.N. Robinson ; translation by David Wright ; illustrated by Raymond Hawthorn ... [et al.]. |||2342151 Library of Congress|PR 1874 |GW|gwg w|20070919|dc und|Phillips, Helen. |Introduction to the Canterbury tales : reading, fiction, context / Helen Phillips. |0312227396 (cloth) ||3621047 Library of Congress|PR 1874 |GW|gwg w|20070919|dc und|Ruggiers, Paul G. |Art of the Canterbury tales [by] Paul G. Ruggiers. |||1590421 Library of Congress|PR 1905 |GW|gwg w|20070915|dc und|Hirsh, John C. |Chaucer and the Canterbury tales : a short introduction / John C. Hirsh. |0631225617 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3700544 Library of Congress|PR 1924 |AU|auc|20071004|dc und||Idea of medieval literature : new essays on Chaucer and medieval culture in honor of Donald R. Howard / edited by James M. Dean and Christian K. Zacher. |0874134404 (alk. paper) ||425365 Library of Congress|PR 1933 |AU|auc|20071004|dc und|Patterson, Lee. |Chaucer and the subject of history / Lee Patterson. |029912830X (cloth) : ||403372 Library of Congress|PR 2065 |AU|auc|20071004|dc und||Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : a new verse translation / by W.S. Merwin. |0375414762 ||3737485 Library of Congress|PR 2065 |GW|gwg w|20071112|dc und|Clein, Wendy. |Concepts of chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / Wendy Clein. |0937664758 : ||2093196 Library of Congress|PR 2411 |MU|mrym stk2|20080403|dc und||Critical edition of The true chronicle history of King Leir and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan and Cordella / [edited by] Donald M. Michie. |0815304560 ||2627451 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und|Bloom, Harold. |Shakespeare's King Lear / Harold Bloom. |1594480893 ||4178204 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und|Nameri, Dorothy E. |Three versions of the story of King Lear (anonymous ca. 1594-1605, William Shakespeare 1607-1608, Nahum Tate 1681) studied in relation to one another / by Dorothy E. Nameri. |||164385 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |AU|auc|20080403|dc und||Shakespeare: King Lear: a casebook, edited by Frank Kermode. |0333060032 ||414718 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |CU|cuml stk|20080403|dc und|Muir, Edwin, 1887-1959. |Politics of King Lear. |0838300553 ||751905 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |GW|gwg w|20080403|dc und|Eddy, Darlene Mathis, 1937- |Worlds of King Lear. |||1548680 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |MU|mrym stk2|20080403|dc und|Woodford, Donna. |Understanding King Lear : a student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents / Donna Woodford. |0313319367 ||4138926 Library of Congress|PR 2819 |MU|mrym stk2|20080403|dc und||Twentieth century interpretations of King Lear : a collection of critical essays / edited by Janet Adelman. |0135161959 0135161878 ||2540127 Library of Congress|PR 2983 |AU|auc|20071113|dc und|Berry, Philippa, 1955- |Shakespeare's feminine endings : disfiguring death in the tragedies / Philippa Berry. |0415068940 (hc. : alk. paper) $85.00 ||3288262 Library of Congress|PR 2989 |AU|auc|20080410|dc und|Bloom, Harold. |Shakespeare : the invention of the human / Harold Bloom. |1573221201 (acid-free paper) ||2900345 Library of Congress|PR 4024 |AU|auc|20080329|dc und|Mazzeno, Laurence W. |Matthew Arnold : the critical legacy / Laurence W. Mazzeno. |1571132783 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3142600 Library of Congress|PR 4024 |AU|auc|20080329|dc und|Riede, David G. |Matthew Arnold and the betrayal of language / by David G. Riede. |0813911494 ||279336 Library of Congress|PR 4024 |AU|auc|20080329|dc und|Schneider, Mary W., 1925- |Poetry in the age of democracy : the literary criticism of Matthew Arnold / Mary W. Schneider. |0700603808 (alk. paper) : ||366414 Library of Congress|PR 4024 |AU|auc|20080329|dc und|Stange, George Robert, 1919- |Matthew Arnold; the poet as humanist [by] G. Robert Strange. |||51089 Library of Congress|PR 4167 |GW|gwg w|20071102|dc und|Berg, Maggie. |Jane Eyre : portrait of a life / Maggie Berg. |0805779558 (alk. paper) ||2101125 Library of Congress|PR 4167 |GW|gwg w|20071102|dc und|Macpherson, Pat, 1951- |Reflecting on Jane Eyre / Pat Macpherson. |0415017874 ||2214514 Library of Congress|PR 4167 |GW|gwg w|20071102|dc und|Oldfield, Jenny, 1949- |Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights : a study guide / by Jenny Oldfield. |0435186604 ||1934277 Library of Congress|PR 457 |GW|gwg w|20080301|dc und|Jarvis, Robin, 1956- |Romantic period : the intellectual and cultural context of English literature, 1789-1830 / Robin Jarvis. |0582382394 (pbk.) ||4040826 Library of Congress|PR 468 |GW|gwg w|20080304|dc fac|Dawson, Graham, 1956- |Soldier heroes : British adventure, empire, and the imagining of masculinities / Graham Dawson. |041508881X (hbk.) ||2243663 Library of Congress|PR 5892 |CU|cuml stk|20080413|dc und|Lacey, Norman. |Wordsworth's view of nature and its ethical consequences. |||1033896 Library of Congress|PR 5892 |GW|gwg w|20080301|dc und|Bourke, Richard. |Romantic discourse and political modernity : Wordsworth, the intellectual and cultural critique / Richard Bourke. |0312096305 ||2387040 Library of Congress|PR 590 |CU|cuml stk|20080301|dc und|Stevenson, Warren. |Poetic friends : a study of literary relations during the English Romantic Period / Warren Stevenson. |0820410438 : ||972137 Library of Congress|PR 590 |CU|cuml stk|20080301|dc und|Watson, J. R. (John Richard), 1934- |English poetry of the Romantic period, 1789-1830 / J.R. Watson. |0582492599 : ||800778 Library of Congress|PR 6005 |CU|cuml stk|20080508|dc fac|Coward, Noel, 1899-1973. |Letters of Noël Coward / edited and with commentary by Barry Day. |0375423036 ||4697376 Library of Congress|PR 6007 |AU|auc|20071030|dc fac|Du Maurier, Daphne, Dame, 1907- |Rebecca notebook and other memories / Daphne du Maurier. |0385158858 : ||201768 Library of Congress|PR 6029 |CU|cuml stk|20080324|dc und||Cambridge companion to George Orwell / edited by John Rodden. |9780521858427 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||4519062 Library of Congress|PR 6031 |GW|gwg w|20070928|dc fac|Kutzer, M. Daphne. |Beatrix Potter : writing in code / by M. Daphne Kutzer. |0415943523 (acid free paper) ||3743145 Library of Congress|PR 6066 |CU|cuml stk|20070917|dc und|Pullman, Philip, 1946- |Amber spyglass / Philip Pullman. |0440238153 (pbk.) ||4230911 Library of Congress|PR 830 |AU|auc|20070730|dc fac|Klein, Kathleen Gregory, 1946- |Woman detective : gender & genre / Kathleen Gregory Klein. |0252015223 (alk. paper) ||314049 Library of Congress|PR 830 |AU|auc|20070810|dc fac|Knight, Stephen Thomas. |Crime fiction, 1800-2000 : detection, death, diversity / Stephen Knight. |0333791789 (hbk.) ||3899130 Library of Congress|PR 830 |AU|auc|20071023|dc und|Halberstam, Judith, 1961- |Skin shows : gothic horror and the technology of monsters / Judith Halberstam. |082231651X (cl : acid-free paper) ||480616 Library of Congress|PR 830 |AU|auc|20071117|dc und|Halberstam, Judith, 1961- |Skin shows : gothic horror and the technology of monsters / Judith Halberstam. |082231651X (cl : acid-free paper) ||480616 Library of Congress|PR 830 |CU|cuml stk|20080417|dc grad|Wisker, Gina, 1951- |Horror fiction : an introduction / Gina Wisker. |082641561X (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4165834 Library of Congress|PR 888 |GW|gwg w|20070923|dc fac|Kungl, Carla T. (Carla Therese) |Creating the fictional female detective : the sleuth heroines of British women writers, 1890-1940 / Carla T. Kungl. |0786425288 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4430777 Library of Congress|PR 9084 |CU|cuml stk|20080428|dc und|Stanton, Katherine, 1973- |Cosmopolitan fictions : ethics, politics, and global change in the works of Kazuo Ishiguro, Michael Ondaatje, Jamaica Kincaid, and J.M. Coetzee / Katherine Stanton. |0415975425 (alk. paper) ||4229832 Library of Congress|PR 91993 |CU|cuml stk|20071106|dc und|Blodgett, E. D. |Alice Munro / by E.D. Blodgett. |080578232X (alk. paper) ||935431 Library of Congress|PR 91993 |CU|cuml stk|20071106|dc und|Mazur, Carol. |Alice Munro : an annotated bibliography of works and criticism / compiled by Carol Mazur ; edited by Cathy Moulder. |9780810859241 (alk. paper) ||4499323 Library of Congress|PR 91993 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Dahlie, Hallvard. |Alice Munro and her works / Hallvard Dahlie. |0920802699 ||2060926 Library of Congress|PR 91993 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Martin, W. R. (Walter Rintoul), 1920- |Alice Munro : paradox and parallel / W.R. Martin. |088864115X (bound) : ||2102026 Library of Congress|PR 91993 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Munro, Alice. |Selected stories / Alice Munro. |0679446273 ||2269207 Library of Congress|PR 9275 |AU|auc|20080428|dc und|Edwards, Justin D., 1970- |Understanding Jamaica Kincaid / Justin D. Edwards. |9781570036880 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4492722 Library of Congress|PR 9275 |MU|mrym stk2|20080424|dc und|Bouson, J. Brooks. |Jamaica Kincaid : writing memory, writing back to the mother / J. Brooks Bouson. |0791465233 (alk. paper) ||4256457 Library of Congress|PR 93879 |GW|gwg w|20071116|dc und|Wren, Robert M. |Achebe's world : the historical and cultural context of the novels of Chinua Achebe / by Robert M. Wren. |0894100068 (pbk.) ||2989982 Library of Congress|PS 128 |AU|auc|20080622|dc und|Emanuel, James A. |Langston Hughes, by James A. Emanuel. |||441466 Library of Congress|PS 1294 |CU|cuml stk|20080421|dc und|Stein, Allen F. |Women and autonomy in Kate Chopin's short fiction / Allen F. Stein. |0820474428 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4103282 Library of Congress|PS 1294 |CU|cuml stk|20080421|dc und|Toth, Emily. |Unveiling Kate Chopin / Emily Toth. |1578061016 (alk. paper) ||3179764 Library of Congress|PS 1294 |CU|cuml stk|20080421|dc und|Walker, Nancy A., 1942- |Kate Chopin : a literary life / Nancy A. Walker. |0333737881 ||3530893 Library of Congress|PS 1294 |CU|cuml stk|20080421|dc und||Kate Chopin's short fiction : a critical companion / Robert C. Evans, compiler and general editor ; Edward Pate, Dianne Russell, Jonathan Wright, and Carolyn Young, editorial team. |0933951981 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) ||4077226 Library of Congress|PS 1294 |MU|mrym stk2|20071113|dc und|Chopin, Kate, 1851-1904. |At fault / Kate Chopin ; a scholarly edition with background readings ; edited by Suzanne Disheroon Green and David J. Caudle. |1572331216 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3712653 Library of Congress|PS 151 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Sawaya, Francesca. |Modern women, modern work : domesticity, professionalism, and American writing, 1890-1950 / Francesca Sawaya. |0812237439 (alk. paper) ||3890209 Library of Congress|PS 153 |AU|auc|20071001|dc und|Ernest, John. |Resistance and reformation in nineteenth-century African-American literature : Brown, Wilson, Jacobs, Delany, Douglass, and Harper / John Ernest. |0878058168 (cloth : alk. paper) ||484102 Library of Congress|PS 153 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Allen, Carol, 1962- |Black women intellectuals : strategies of nation, family, and neighborhood in the works of Pauline Hopkins, Jessie Fauset, and Marita Bonner / Carol Allen. |0815331126 (alk. paper) ||2815955 Library of Congress|PS 153 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac|Gruesser, John Cullen, 1959- |Confluences : postcolonialism, African American literary studies, and the Black Atlantic / John Cullen Gruesser. |0820326038 (alk. paper) ||4158171 Library of Congress|PS 153 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||African American literature : a guide to reading interests / edited by Alma Dawson and Connie Van Fleet. |1563089319 (alk. paper) ||4049765 Library of Congress|PS 153 |GW|gw mt|20071001|dc und|Johnson, Yvonne, 1945- |Voices of African American women : the use of narrative and authorial voice in the works of Harriet Jacobs, Zora Neale Hurston, and Alice Walker / Yvonne Johnson. |0820448907 (pbk.) ||3266928 Library of Congress|PS 1541 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886. |Poems of Emily Dickinson / edited by R.W. Franklin. |0674676246 ||3491624 Library of Congress|PS 1541 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und||Emily Dickinson handbook / edited by Gudrun Grabher, Roland Hagenbüchle, Cristanne Miller. |1558491694 (cloth) ||4225782 Library of Congress|PS 1999 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Unruly voice : rediscovering Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins / edited by John Cullen Gruesser ; introduction by Nellie Y. McKay ; afterword by Elizabeth Ammons. |0252022300 (cloth : alk. paper) ||495939 Library of Congress|PS 1999 |GW|gwg w|20080627|dc fac|Brown, Lois, 1966- |Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins : Black daughter of the Revolution / Lois Brown. |9780807831663 (alk. paper) ||4775093 Library of Congress|PS 225 |GW|gwg w|20080309|dc und||Twayne companion to contemporary literature in English from the editors of the Hollins critic / R.H.W. Dillard, Amanda Cockrell, editors. |080571703X (set) ||3735326 Library of Congress|PS 228 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Bloom, James D., 1951- |Literary bent : in search of high art in contemporary American writing / James D. Bloom. |0812233751 (alk. paper) ||506906 Library of Congress|PS 228 |MU|mrym stk2|20080627|dc fac|Gillman, Susan Kay. |Blood talk : American race melodrama and the culture of the occult / Susan Gillman. |0226293890 (alk. paper) ||3874660 Library of Congress|PS 253 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Moses, Sibyl E. |African American women writers in New Jersey, 1836-2000 : a biographical dictionary and bibliographic guide / Sibyl E. Moses. |0813531837 (alk. paper) ||3809619 Library of Congress|PS 261 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Baker, Barbara A., 1961- |Blues aesthetic and the making of American identity in the literature of the South / Barbara A. Baker. |0820462209 (alk. paper) ||3807676 Library of Congress|PS 2631 |GW|gw mt|20080417|dc und|Allen, Hervey, 1889-1949. |Israfel : the life and times of Edgar Allan Poe / Hervey Allen. |||2944176 Library of Congress|PS 2638 |WR|wrlc stor|20080417|dc und|EDGAR ALLEN POE |POE'S LITERARY BATTLES |||3685143 Library of Congress|PS 285 |CU|cuml stk|20080403|dc und|Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. |Literary San Francisco : a pictorial history from its beginnings to the present day / by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Nancy J. Peters. |0062503251 : ||707441 Library of Congress|PS 310 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Harrison, DeSales, 1968- |End of the mind : the edge of the intelligible in Hardy, Stevens, Larkin, Plath, and Glèuck / DeSales Harrison. |0415970296 (alk. paper) ||4065846 Library of Congress|PS 310 |GW|gwg w|20080407|dc und|Maio, Samuel, 1955- |Creating another self : voice in modern American personal poetry / Samuel Maio. |1931112509 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4362996 Library of Congress|PS 312 |GW|gwg w|20071009|dc und|Hammond, Jeffrey. |Sinful self, saintly self : the Puritan experience of poetry / Jeffrey A. Hammond. |0820315001 (alk. paper) ||2384482 Library of Congress|PS 3204 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. |Laws for creations / Walt Whitman ; selected and introduced by Michael Cunningham. |9780312426071 (pbk.) ||4362590 Library of Congress|PS 3204 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und|Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. |Laws for creations / Walt Whitman ; selected and introduced by Michael Cunningham. |9780312426071 (pbk.) ||4362590 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080325|dc und|Portugés, Paul, 1945- |Visionary poetics of Allen Ginsberg / by Paul Portugés. |0915520176. 0915520125 ||171392 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Gainor, J. Ellen. |Susan Glaspell in context : American theater, culture, and politics, 1915-48 / J. Ellen Gainor. |0472106503 (alk. paper) ||3579039 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Glaspell, Susan, 1882-1948. |Plays / by Susan Glaspell ; edited with an introduction by C.W.E. Bigsby ; additional textual notes by Christine Dymkowski. |052130945X ||273619 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Hinz-Bode, Kristina, 1971- |Susan Glaspell and the anxiety of expression : language and isolation in the plays / Kristina Hinz-Bode. |0786425059 (softcover : alk. paper) ||4338038 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und|Ozieblo Rajkowska, Bárbara. |Susan Glaspell : a critical biography / Barbara Ozieblo. |0807825603 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3359834 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |AU|auc|20080630|dc und||Susan Glaspell : essays on her theater and fiction / edited by Linda Ben-Zvi. |0472105493 ||478376 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |GW|gwg w|20080325|dc und|Ginsberg, Allen, 1926-1997. |To Eberhart from Ginsberg : a letter about Howl, 1956 : an explanation by Allen Ginsberg of his publication Howl and Richard Eberhart's New York times article "West coast rhythms," together with comments by both poets and relief etchings by Jerome Kaplan.|0915778076. ||4484333 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |GW|gwg w|20080325|dc und||Poem that changed America : "Howl" fifty years later / edited by Jason Shinder. |0374173435 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4323297 Library of Congress|PS 3513 |WR|wrlc stor|20080325|dc und|Ginsberg, Allen, 1926- |Howl : original draft facsimile, transcript & variant versions, fully annotated by author, with contemporaneous correspondence, account of first public reading, legal skirmishes, precursor texts & bibliography / Allen Ginsberg ; edited by Barry Miles. |0060156287 : ||1138065 Library of Congress|PS 3515 |AU|auc|20080622|dc und||Langston Hughes : critical perspectives past and present / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K.A. Appiah. |1567430163 : ||458200 Library of Congress|PS 3515 |CU|cuml stk|20080223|dc und|Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967. |Collected works of Langston Hughes / edited with an introduction by Arnold Rampersad. |0826213391 (v. l : alk. paper) ||3645845 Library of Congress|PS 3515 |CU|cuml stk|20080223|dc und|Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967. |Collected works of Langston Hughes / edited with an introduction by Arnold Rampersad. |0826213391 (v. l : alk. paper) ||3646029 Library of Congress|PS 3515 |CU|cuml stk|20080409|dc und|Oliver, Charles M. |Critical companion to Ernest Hemingway : a literary reference to his life and work / Charles M. Oliver. |0816064180 (alk. paper) ||4473042 Library of Congress|PS 3515 |WR|wrlc stor|20080313|dc fac|Wolfe, Peter, 1933- |Beams falling : the art of Dashiell Hammett / Peter Wolfe. |0879721405 (pbk.) ||2183998 Library of Congress|PS 3519 |MU|mrym stk2|20071010|dc und|Oppenheimer, Judy. |Private demons : the life of Shirley Jackson / Judy Oppenheimer. |0399133569 ||2575363 Library of Congress|PS 3519 |WR|wrlc stor|20070925|dc und|Johns, Orrick, 1887-1946. |Time of our lives : the story of my father and myself / by Orrick Johns. |||152162 Library of Congress|PS 3545 |GW|gwg w|20080304|dc und|Adler, Thomas P. |Streetcar named Desire : the moth and the lantern / Thomas P. Adler. |0805779949 (alk. paper) ||2330875 Library of Congress|PS 3551 |GW|gwg w|20080302|dc grad|Adnan, Etel. |Of cities and women : letters to Fawwaz / Etel Adnan. |0942996216 (alk. paper) : ||3739753 Library of Congress|PS 3551 |GW|gwg w|20080401|dc grad|Adnan, Etel. |Of cities and women : letters to Fawwaz / Etel Adnan. |0942996216 (alk. paper) : ||3739753 Library of Congress|PS 3552 |GW|gwg w|20071113|dc und|Boyd, Blanche M., 1945- |Redneck way of knowledge : down-home tales / Blanche McCrary Boyd ; [with a new introduction by Dorothy Allison]. |0679757678 ||3743470 Library of Congress|PS 3554 |GW|gwg w|20070923|dc fac|Palmer, Christopher. |Philip K. Dick : exhilaration and terror of the postmodern / Christopher Palmer. |0853236186 ||3880315 Library of Congress|PS 3554 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Dybek, Stuart, 1942- |I sailed with Magellan / Stuart Dybek. |0374174075 ||3934101 Library of Congress|PS 3554 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Dybek, Stuart, 1942- |Streets in their own ink / Stuart Dybek. |0374270953 (alk. paper) ||4031557 Library of Congress|PS 3557 |GW|gwg w|20071015|dc und|Gilb, Dagoberto, 1950- |Gritos : essays / by Dagoberto Gilb ; illustrated by César A. Martinez. |0802117422 (alk. paper) ||3798964 Library of Congress|PS 3557 |GW|gwg w|20071015|dc und|Gilb, Dagoberto, 1950- |Last known residence of Mickey Acuña / Dagoberto Gilb. |0802115543 : ||4321870 Library of Congress|PS 3557 |GW|gwg w|20071015|dc und|Gilb, Dagoberto, 1950- |Woodcuts of women / Dagoberto Gilb. |0802116795 ||4321882 Library of Congress|PS 3561 |GW|gwg w|20080407|dc und|Salas, Angela M., 1966- |Flashback through the heart : the poetry of Yusef Komunyakaa / Angela M. Salas. |1575910829 (alk. paper) ||4022513 Library of Congress|PS 3562 |MU|mrym stk2|20071106|dc und|Lahiri, Jhumpa. |Namesake / Jhumpa Lahiri. |0395927218 ||4029364 Library of Congress|PS 3563 |GW|gwg w|20080403|dc und|McClure, Michael. |Scratching the beat surface / Michael McClure. |086547074X : ||2121654 Library of Congress|PS 3565 |AU|auc|20071025|dc und|O'Connor, Flannery. |Collected works / Flannery O'Connor. |0940450372 (alk. paper) ||286014 Library of Congress|PS 3565 |AU|auc|20080410|dc und||Flannery O'Connor bulletin. ||0091-4924 |322773 Library of Congress|PS 3565 |AU|auc|20080410|dc und||Flannery O'Connor bulletin. ||0091-4924 |322781 Library of Congress|PS 3565 |CU|cuml stk|20071025|dc und||Inside the church of Flannery O'Connor : sacrament, sacramental, and the sacred in her fiction / edited by Joanne Halleran McMullen and Jon Parrish Peede. |9780881460551 (hardback : acid free paper) ||4501653 Library of Congress|PS 3565 |GW|gwg w|20071025|dc und|Cash, Jean W., 1938- |Flannery O'Connor : a life / Jean W. Cash. |1572331925 (alk. paper) ||3760895 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |AU|auc|20080211|dc und|Puzo, Mario, 1920- |Sicilian : a novel / by Mario Puzo. |0671435647 ||242308 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |AU|auc|20080512|dc und|Puzo, Mario, 1920- |Sicilian : a novel / by Mario Puzo. |0671435647 ||4023067 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Parks, Suzan-Lori. |America play, and other works / Suzan-Lori Parks. |1559360917 (cloth) : ||4125132 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20070927|dc und|Parks, Suzan-Lori. |Venus : a play / by Suzan-Lori Parks. |1559361352 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4095642 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Britzolakis, Christina. |Sylvia Plath and the theatre of mourning / Christina Britzolakis. |0198183739 (acid-free paper) ||3774293 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Plath, Sylvia. |Collected poems / Sylvia Plath ; edited by Ted Hughes. |0060133694 : ||1949297 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und|Plath, Sylvia. |Unabridged journals of Sylvia Plath, 1950-1962 / edited by Karen V. Kukil. |0385720254 (pbk.) ||3498346 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und||Cambridge companion to Sylvia Plath / edited by Jo Gill. |0521844967 (hbk.) ||4309939 Library of Congress|PS 3566 |GW|gwg w|20080310|dc und||Eye rhymes : Sylvia Plath's art of the visual / edited by Kathleen Connors and Sally Bayley. |9780199233878 ||4721485 Library of Congress|PS 3569 |AU|auc|20080111|dc fac|Shriver, Lionel. |We need to talk about Kevin / Lionel Shriver. |1582432678 (alk. paper) ||3801117 Library of Congress|PS 3573 |CU|cuml stk|20070926|dc und|Wilson, August. |Joe Turner's come and gone : a play in two acts / by August Wilson. |0452260094 ||789676 Library of Congress|PS 3573 |CU|cuml stk|20071105|dc und|Bates, Gerri. |Alice Walker : a critical companion / Gerri Bates. |0313320241 (alk. paper) ||4231950 Library of Congress|PS 3573 |CU|cuml stk|20071105|dc und|Winchell, Donna Haisty. |Alice Walker / Donna Haisty Winchell. |0805776427 (alk. paper) ||1008275 Library of Congress|PS 3573 |CU|cuml stk|20071105|dc und||Alice Walker : critical perspectives past and present / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K.A. Appiah. |1567430139 : ||1011622 Library of Congress|PS 3573 |GW|gwg w|20080515|dc fac|Wilson, August. |Radio golf / August Wilson. |9781559363082 ||4587302 Library of Congress|PS 374 |AU|auc|20070730|dc fac|Dilley, Kimberly J., 1964- |Busybodies, meddlers, and snoops : the female hero in contemporary women's mysteries / Kimberly J. Dilley. |0313303304 (alk. paper) ||2842100 Library of Congress|PS 374 |AU|auc|20070730|dc fac||Women times three : writers, detectives, readers / Kathleen Gregory Klein, editor. |0879726814 ||481644 Library of Congress|PS 374 |AU|auc|20070929|dc grad|Griffin, Farah Jasmine. |"Who set you flowin'?" : the African-American migration narrative / Farah Jasmine Griffin. |0195088964 (alk. paper) ||474043 Library of Congress|PS 374 |CU|cuml stk|20070810|dc fac||Detective in American fiction, film, and television / edited by Jerome H. Delamater and Ruth Prigozy. |0313304637 (alk. paper) ||3086048 Library of Congress|PS 374 |GW|gwg w|20070730|dc fac|DellaCava, Frances A., 1937- |Sleuths in skirts : analysis and bibliography of serialized female sleuths / Frances A. DellaCava, Madeline H. Engel. |0815338848 (alk. paper) ||3745849 Library of Congress|PS 374 |GW|gwg w|20070810|dc fac|Bertens, Johannes Willem. |Contemporary American crime fiction / Hans Bertens and Theo d'Haen. |0333674553 (cloth) ||3653661 Library of Congress|PS 374 |GW|gwg w|20080429|dc und|Shinn, Thelma J., 1942- |Women shapeshifters : transforming the contemporary novel / Thelma J. Shinn. |0313296766 (alk. paper) ||2269005 Library of Congress|PS 374 |MU|mrym stk2|20071121|dc fac|Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. |Epistemology of the closet / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. |0520070429 ||2624602 Library of Congress|PS 374 |MU|mrym stk2|20071121|dc fac||Novel gazing : queer readings in fiction / edited by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. |0822320401 (paper : alk. paper) ||2920552 Library of Congress|PS 508 |GW|gwg w|20080202|dc und||Call and response : the Riverside anthology of the African American literary tradition / general editor, Patricia Liggins Hill ; editors, Bernard W. Bell ... [et al.]. |0395884047 (bk. & CD) ||3013380 Library of Congress|PS 509 |AU|auc|20071001|dc und||From bondage to liberation : writings by and about Afro-Americans from 1700 to 1918 / edited and narrated by Faith Berry. |0826413706 (alk. paper) ||3569952 Library of Congress|PS 648 |AU|auc|20080429|dc und||Dark matter : a century of speculative fiction from the African diaspora / edited by Sheree R. Thomas. |0446525839 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3389977 Library of Congress|PS 648 |GW|gwg w|20080429|dc und||Daughters of earth : feminist science fiction in the twentieth century / edited by Justine Larbalestier. |0819566756 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4362673 Library of Congress|PS 92 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Cambridge history of American literature / Sacvan Bercovitch, general editor ; Cyrus R. K. Patell, associate editor. |052130105X (v.1) ||4206362 Library of Congress|PT 8854 |GW|gwg w|20071112|dc und|Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. |Ibsen's selected plays / Henrik Ibsen ; selected and edited by Brian Johnston. |0393924041 ||3808169 Library of Congress|PT 8881 |GW|gwg w|20071029|dc und|Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. |Wild duck / Henrik Ibsen, a version by David Eldridge from a literal translation by Charlotte Barslund. |0413775755 ||4448256 Library of Congress|PT 8890 |GW|gwg w|20071117|dc und|Gray, Ronald D. |Ibsen, a dissenting view : a study of the last twelve plays / Ronald Gray. -- |0521217024 ||1885265 Library of Congress|PT 8895 |GW|gwg w|20071117|dc und|Downs, Brian Westerdale, 1893- |Ibsen; the intellectual background, by Brian W. Downs. |||1480971 Library of Congress|PT 8895 |GW|gwg w|20071117|dc und|McFarlane, James Walter. |Ibsen & meaning : studies, essays & prefaces, 1953-87 / James McFarlane. |1870041070 (pbk) : ||2398229 Library of Congress|PT 8895 |GW|gwg w|20071117|dc und|Young, Robin. |Time's disinherited children : childhood, regression, and sacrifice in the plays of Henrik Ibsen / Robin Young. |1870041062 ||2398228 Library of Congress|PT 8897 |GW|gwg w|20071112|dc und|Templeton, Joan, 1942- |Ibsen's women / Joan Templeton. |0521590396 (hardback) ||2842920 Library of Congress|PT 9812 |AU|auc|20070913|dc und|Strindberg, August, 1849-1912. |Miss Julie : a naturalistic tragedy / August Strindberg ; a new version by Helen Cooper from a literal translation by Peter Hogg ; including Strindberg's preface to the play and an introduction by Helen Cooper. |0413666107 ||435445 Library of Congress|PZ 7 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|Alexander, Martha G. |Where does the sky end, grandpa? / Martha Alexander. |0152956034 : ||451009 Library of Congress|PZ 7 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|Henkes, Kevin. |Kitten's first full moon / Kevin Henkes. |0060588284 (trade) ||4057851 Library of Congress|PZ 7 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|Henkes, Kevin. |Owen / Kevin Henkes. |0688114490 : ||446821 Library of Congress|PZ 7 |AU|auel|20070911|dc und|Herron, Carolivia. |Nappy hair / by Carolivia Herron ; illustrated by Joe Cepeda. |0679879374 (trade) ||2978595 Library of Congress|Q 175 |CU|cuml stk|20071109|dc grad|Campbell, Donald Thomas, 1916- |Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research [by] Donald T. Campbell [and] Julian C. Stanley. |||702760 Library of Congress|QA 1 |AU|auc|20080116|dc fac|Kaczynski, Tomasz. |Computational homology / Tomasz Kaczynski, Konstantin Mischaikow, Marian Mrozek. |0387408533 (acid-free paper) ||3934172 Library of Congress|QA 273 |CU|cuen|20080418|dc und|DeGroot, Morris H., 1931- |Probability and statistics / Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish. |0201524880 ||3606586 Library of Congress|QA 273 |GW|gw nv|20080521|dc fac|DeGroot, Morris H., 1931- |Probability and statistics / Morris H. DeGroot. |||2299875 Library of Congress|QA 279 |AU|auc|20080305|dc und|Turner, J. Rick. |Introduction to analysis of variance : design, analysis, & interpretation / J. Rick Turner, Julian F. Thayer. |0803970749 (cloth : acid-free paper) ||4265396 Library of Congress|QA 279 |GW|gwg w|20080229|dc und|Turner, J. Rick. |Introduction to analysis of variance : design, analysis, & interpretation / J. Rick Turner, Julian F. Thayer. |0803970749 (cloth : acid-free paper) ||3553515 Library of Congress|QA 279 |MU|mrym stk2|20080211|dc und|Turner, J. Rick. |Introduction to analysis of variance : design, analysis, & interpretation / J. Rick Turner, Julian F. Thayer. |0803970757 (pbk. : acid-free paper) ||3725306 Library of Congress|QA 300 |AU|auc|20070721|dc und|Apostol, Tom M. |Calculus. |||101763 Library of Congress|QA 371 |GW|gwg w|20071004|dc und|Brown, Courtney, 1952- |Differential equations : a modeling approach / Courtney Brown. |9781412941082 (pbk.) ||4508015 Library of Congress|QA 763 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac||CCSP complete study guide : 642-501, 642-511, 642-521, 642-531, 642-541 / Wade Edwards ... [et al.] |0782144225 ||1166799 Library of Congress|QA 763 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac||CCSP complete study guide : 642-501, 642-511, 642-521, 642-531, 642-541 / Wade Edwards ... [et al.] |0782144225 ||1166800 Library of Congress|QA 7673 |GW|gwg w|20080213|dc fac|Alur, Deepak. |Core J2EE patterns : best practices and design strategies / Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks. |0130648841 ||3897942 Library of Congress|QA 7676 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Barrett, Daniel J. |SSH, the secure shell : the definitive guide / Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, and Robert G. Byrnes. |0596008953 (pbk.) ||1127416 Library of Congress|QA 911 |GW|gwg w|20080428|dc und|Li, Ben Q. |Discontinuous finite elements in fluid dynamics and heat transfer / Ben Q. Li. |1852339888 (hbk.) ||4328432 Library of Congress|QA 911 |GW|gwg w|20080428|dc und|Lomax, Harvard. |Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics / H. Lomax, T.H. Pulliam, D.W. Zingg. |3540416072 (acid-free paper) ||3595667 Library of Congress|QH 3082 |MU|mrym stk2|20080124|dc und|Mader, Sylvia S. |Inquiry into life / Sylvia S. Mader. |0072421975 (hard copy : alk. paper) ||4580800 Library of Congress|QL 775 |AU|auc|20071203|dc und|Lorenz, Konrad, 1903- |On aggression. Translated by Marjorie Kerr Wilson. |||36274 Library of Congress|QM 601 |MU|mrym stk2|20080124|dc und|Moore, Keith L. |Developing human : clinically oriented embryology / Keith L. Moore, T.V.N. Persaud. |0721694128 ||3783520 Library of Congress|QP 145 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac|Gregersen, Hans, 1962- |Biomechanics of the gastrointestinal tract : new perspectives in motility research and diagnostics / Hans Gregersen. |1852335203 (alk. paper) ||3743010 Library of Congress|QP 303 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac|Knudson, Duane V., 1961- |Fundamentals of biomechanics / Duane Knudson. |0306474743 ||3899276 Library of Congress|QP 303 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac|Kreighbaum, Ellen. |Biomechanics : a qualitative approach for studying human movement / Ellen Kreighbaum, Katharine M. Barthels ; illustrations by the authors. |0205186513 ||1021604 Library of Congress|QP 303 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac|Özkaya, Nihat, 1956- |Fundamentals of biomechanics : equilibrium, motion, and deformation / Nihat Ozkaya, Margareta Nordin ; project editor, Dawn L. Leger ; with forewords by Victor H. Frankel and Richard Skalak. |0387982833 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3577592 Library of Congress|QP 382 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071203|dc und||Amygdala : a functional analysis / edited by John Aggleton. |0198505019 ||809848 Library of Congress|QP 382 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071203|dc und||Amygdala : neurobiological aspects of emotion, memory, and mental dysfunction / edited by John P. Aggleton. |0471561290 (acid-free paper) ||403587 Library of Congress|QP 402 |GW|gwg w|20080524|dc staf|Darlington, Cynthia L. |Female brain / Cynthia Darlington. |0415277213 (hbk) ||3848638 Library of Congress|QP 406 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071203|dc und|Alkon, Daniel L. |Memory's voice : deciphering the brain-mind code / Daniel L. Alkon. |0060183004 : ||403245 Library of Congress|QP 406 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071203|dc und|Eichenbaum, Howard. |From conditioning to conscious recollection : memory systems of the brain / Howard Eichenbaum, Neal J. Cohen. |0195085906 (alk. paper) ||822073 Library of Congress|QP 8823 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac|Silver, Frederick H., 1949- |Biological materials : structure, mechanical properties, and modeling of soft tissues / Frederick H. Silver. |0814778607 : ||810136 Library of Congress|QP 885 |CU|cuen|20071219|dc fac||Bioengineering of the skin : skin biomechanics / edited by Peter Elsner ... [et al]. |0849375215 (alk. paper) ||3570890 Library of Congress|QR 46 |MU|mrym stk2|20071015|dc und|Murray, Patrick R. |Medical microbiology / Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller. |0323033032 ||4228211 Library of Congress|RA 4183 |AU|auc|20071015|dc und||Disease in the history of modern Latin America : from malaria to AIDS / edited by Diego Armus. |0822330571 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3783273 Library of Congress|RA 643 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Farrell, Jeanette. |Invisible enemies : stories of infectious disease / Jeanette Farrell. |0374336377 ||3292735 Library of Congress|RA 643 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Farrell, Jeanette. |Invisible enemies : stories of infectious disease / Jeanette Farrell. |0374336377 ||3292735 Library of Congress|RA 643 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Sherman, Irwin W. |Power of plagues / Irwin W. Sherman. |1555813569 (alk. paper) ||4496482 Library of Congress|RA 643 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Sherman, Irwin W. |Power of plagues / Irwin W. Sherman. |1555813569 (alk. paper) ||4496482 Library of Congress|RA 645 |AU|auc|20071022|dc und|Sloan, Frank A. |Smoking puzzle : information, risk perception, and choice / Frank A. Sloan, V. Kerry Smith, Donald H. Taylor, Jr. |0674010396 ||3824352 Library of Congress|RA 6505 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Zelicoff, Alan P., 1953- |Microbe : are we ready for the next plague? / Alan P. Zelicoff, Michael Bellomo. |0814408656 (hardcover) ||4426116 Library of Congress|RA 6505 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Zelicoff, Alan P., 1953- |Microbe : are we ready for the next plague? / Alan P. Zelicoff, Michael Bellomo. |0814408656 (hardcover) ||4426116 Library of Congress|RA 651 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Garrett, Laurie. |Coming plague : newly emerging diseases in a world out of balance / Laurie Garrett. |0374126461 : ||2479357 Library of Congress|RA 651 |GW|gwg w|20070708|dc und|Garrett, Laurie. |Coming plague : newly emerging diseases in a world out of balance / Laurie Garrett. |0374126461 : ||2479357 Library of Congress|RA 776 |MU|mrym stk2|20070830|dc und||Core concepts in health / [compiled by] Paul M. Insel, Walton T. Roth ; Kirstan Price, developmental editor. |0767412044 ||3159316 Library of Congress|RA 777 |CU|cuml stk|20071013|dc und||Body image, eating disorders, and obesity in youth : assessment, prevention, and treatment / edited by J. Kevin Thompson and Linda Smolak. |1557987580 ||3451122 Library of Congress|RB 113 |MU|mrym stk2|20070912|dc und|Gould, Barbara E. |Pathophysiology for the health professions / Barbara E. Gould. |1416002103 (pbk.) ||4274810 Library of Congress|RC 33952 |GW|gwg w|20080502|dc staf|Yankura, Joseph. |Albert Ellis / Joseph Yankura, Windy Dryden. |0803985290 (cased) ||2243075 Library of Congress|RC 394 |AU|auc|20071002|dc und||Mind, brain, and education in reading disorders / edited by Kurt W. Fischer, Jane Holmes Bernstein, and Mary Helen Immordino-Yang. |9780521854795 (hardback : alk. paper) ||4510886 Library of Congress|RC 423 |GW|gwg w|20071025|dc grad|Vinson, Betsy Partin. |Language disorders across the lifespan / Betsy Partin Vinson. |1418009547 ||4482397 Library of Congress|RC 423 |GW|gwg w|20071025|dc und|Vinson, Betsy Partin. |Language disorders across the lifespan / Betsy Partin Vinson. |1418009547 ||4482397 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080325|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||2478339 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080325|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||2478340 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080325|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||3892435 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080329|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||2478339 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080329|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||2478340 Library of Congress|RC 435 |GW|gwg f|20080329|dc staf||World of abnormal psychology [videorecording] / produced by Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. ; in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc. ; Lisa Zbar, Marsha Zeesman, producers ; Toby Kleban Levine, director. |||3892435 Library of Congress|RC 454 |AU|auc|20080422|dc und||Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in abnormal psychology / Edited and with introductions by Richard P. Halgin. |0072480424 (pbk.) : ||3789063 Library of Congress|RC 454 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf||Relational processes and DSM-V : neuroscience, assessment, prevention, and intervention / edited by Steven R.H. Beach ... [et al.]. |1585622389 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4451856 Library of Congress|RC 454 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Relational processes and DSM-V : neuroscience, assessment, prevention, and intervention / edited by Steven R.H. Beach ... [et al.]. |1585622389 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4451856 Library of Congress|RC 4544 |CU|cuml stk|20071002|dc und||Advances in clinical cognitive science : formal modeling of processes and symptoms / edited by Richard W.J. Neufeld. |1591477840 ||4464491 Library of Congress|RC 4554 |GW|gwg w|20080514|dc staf|Worden, J. William (James William), 1932- |Grief counseling and grief therapy : a handbook for the mental health practitioner / J. William Worden. |0826141625 ||3759232 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf|Meyer, Robert G. |Case studies in abnormal behavior / Robert G. Meyer. |0205452221 ||4219144 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf|Osborne, Randall E. |Case analyses for abnormal psychology : learning to look beyond the symptoms / Randall E. Osborne and Joan Lafuze, David Perkins. |0863775837 (case : alk. paper) ||4111185 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf||Case studies in psychotherapy / editors, Danny Wedding, Raymond J. Corsini. |0534638554 ||4113477 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Meyer, Robert G. |Case studies in abnormal behavior / Robert G. Meyer. |0205452221 ||4219144 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Osborne, Randall E. |Case analyses for abnormal psychology : learning to look beyond the symptoms / Randall E. Osborne and Joan Lafuze, David Perkins. |0863775837 (case : alk. paper) ||4111185 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf||Case studies in psychotherapy / editors, Danny Wedding, Raymond J. Corsini. |0534638554 ||4113477 Library of Congress|RC 465 |GW|gwg w|20080524|dc staf||Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy / Gerald Corey [editor]. |0534348203 (acid-free paper) ||3800521 Library of Congress|RC 4807 |AU|auc|20080424|dc grad|Andrews, Arlene Bowers. |Social history assessment / Arlene Bowers Andrews. |1412914132 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4471724 Library of Congress|RC 4808 |GW|gwg w|20071209|dc staf|Zur, Ofer. |Boundaries in psychotherapy : ethical and clinical explorations / Ofer Zur. |9781591477372 ||4495283 Library of Congress|RC 4808 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Zur, Ofer. |Boundaries in psychotherapy : ethical and clinical explorations / Ofer Zur. |9781591477372 ||4495283 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312060 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312061 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312062 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312063 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312064 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080502|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312060 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080502|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312061 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080502|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312062 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080502|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312063 Library of Congress|RC 488 |GW|gwg f|20080502|dc staf||Understanding group psychotherapy videorecording / featuring Irvin D. Yalom. |||2312064 Library of Congress|RC 4885 |GW|gwg w|20071103|dc und||When marriages fail : systemic family therapy intervention and issues : a tribute to William C. Nichols / Craig A. Everett, Robert E. Lee, editors. |078902862X (hard : alk. paper) ||4491384 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf|Howard, Susan, 1949- |Psychodynamic counselling in a nutshell / Susan Howard. |1412907721 ||4409156 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc staf|Howard, Susan, 1949- |Psychodynamic counselling in a nutshell / Susan Howard. |1412907721 ||4409156 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc und|Ansdell, Gary. |Beginning research in the arts therapies : a practical guide / Gary Ansdell and Mercédes̀ Pavlicevic ; cartoons by Lutz Neugebauer. |1853028851 (alk. paper) ||3496567 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20071125|dc und||Handbook of art therapy / edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi. |1572308095 (alk. paper) ||3763487 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20071128|dc grad|Chadwick, Paul (Paul D.) |Person-based cognitive therapy for distressing psychosis / Paul Chadwick. |047001931X (hbk) ||4507578 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und|Scharff, Jill Savege. |Primer of object relations therapy / by Jill Savege Scharff, David E. Scharff. |0765703475 ||4227223 Library of Congress|RC 489 |GW|gwg w|20080419|dc staf|Howard, Susan, 1949- |Psychodynamic counselling in a nutshell / Susan Howard. |1412907721 ||4409156 Library of Congress|RC 552 |CU|cuml stk|20071013|dc und|Abramson, Edward E. |Behavioral approaches to weight control / Edward E. Abramson, with contributors. |082611900X. 0826119018 ||698675 Library of Congress|RC 552 |CU|cuml stk|20071013|dc und|Schlundt, David G. |Eating disorders : assessment and treatment / David G. Schlundt, William G. Johnson. |0205120865 ||941056 Library of Congress|RC 553 |GW|gwg w|20071031|dc grad||Neurobiology of autism / edited by Margaret L. Bauman and Thomas L. Kemper. |0801880467 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4086103 Library of Congress|RC 553 |MU|mrym stk2|20071031|dc grad|Bowler, Dermot M. |Autism spectrum disorders : psychological theory and research / Dermot M. Bowler. |0470026863 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4431924 Library of Congress|RC 553 |MU|mrym stk2|20071108|dc grad|Grinker, Roy Richard, 1961- |Unstrange minds : remapping the world of autism / Roy Richard Grinker. |0465027636 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4453528 Library of Congress|RC 564 |CU|cuml stk|20080403|dc und|Martin, Peter R., 1949- |Healing addiction : an integrated pharmacopsychosocial approach to treatment / Peter R. Martin, Bennett Alan Weinberg, and Bonnie K. Bealer. |0471656305 (pbk.) ||4423067 Library of Congress|RC 630 |CU|cunu|20070829|dc und||Fluids & electrolytes made incredibly easy. |0874348862 (alk. paper) ||2841180 Library of Congress|RC 630 |CU|cunu|20070830|dc und|Lee, Carla A. B. |Fluids and electrolytes : a practical approach / Carla A. Bouska Lee, C. Ann Barrett, Donna D. Ignatavicius. |0803655312 (pbk.) ||2930595 Library of Congress|RC 630 |CU|cunu|20070830|dc und|Weldy, Norma Jean. |Body fluids and electrolytes : a programmed presentation / Norma Jean Weldy. |0815191979 ||1016538 Library of Congress|RG 626 |AU|auc|20080118|dc und|Moore, Keith L. |Developing human : clinically oriented embryology / Keith L. Moore ; illustrated primarily by Glen Reid. |0721664725 ||214521 Library of Congress|RJ 216 |CU|cunu|20071026|dc und|Baumslag, Naomi. |Milk, money, and madness : the culture and politics of breastfeeding / Naomi Baumslag and Dia L. Michels ; foreword by Richard Jolly. |0897894073 (hc : accid-free paper) ||1017163 Library of Congress|RJ 245 |CU|cunu|20071129|dc und|Luxner, Karla L. |Delmar's pediatric nursing care plans / Karla L. Luxner. |0766859940 (alk. paper) ||4245188 Library of Congress|RJ 245 |CU|cunu|20071129|dc und||Nursing care plans for the child : a nursing diagnosis approach / Patricia Schafer ... [et al.]. |0838578039 ||978711 Library of Congress|RJ 245 |MU|mrym stk2|20070913|dc und|Ball, Jane. |Clinical handbook for pediatric nursing / Jane W. Ball, Ruth C. Bindler. |0131133160 ||4248511 Library of Congress|RJ 245 |MU|mrym stk2|20070913|dc und|Bowden, Vicky R. |Pediatric nursing procedures / Vicky R. Bowden, Cindy Smith Greenberg. |0781732913 (alk. paper) ||3685682 Library of Congress|RJ 399 |CU|cuml stk|20071013|dc und|LeBow, Michael D. |Overweight children : helping your child achieve lifetime weight control / Michael D. LeBow. |0306439611 : ||956181 Library of Congress|RJ 399 |CU|cuml stk|20071013|dc und|Okie, Susan. |Fed up! : winning the war against childhood obesity / Susan Okie. |0309093104 (hardcover) ||4073521 Library of Congress|RJ 486 |AU|auc|20080417|dc und|Ayres, A. Jean |Sensory integration and learning disorders, by A. Jean Ayres. |0874243033 ||78893 Library of Congress|RJ 496 |GW|gwg w|20071025|dc grad||Dyslexia in children : new research / Christopher B. Hayes, editor. |1594549699 ||4418232 Library of Congress|RJ 496 |GW|gwg w|20071025|dc und||Dyslexia in children : new research / Christopher B. Hayes, editor. |1594549699 ||4418232 Library of Congress|RJ 496 |GW|gwg w|20071027|dc und|Paul, Rhea. |Language disorders from infancy through adolescence : assessment & intervention / by Rhea Paul ; Photographs by Shelah Johnson and Cook E. Brown ; Drawings by Ruth Chapin finn ; Computer graphics by David Cain. |0801679273 ||2681506 Library of Congress|RJ 496 |GW|gwg w|20080417|dc und|Kranowitz, Carol Stock. |Out-of-sync child : recognizing and coping with sensory processing disorder / Carol Stock Kranowitz. |0399531653 ||4508986 Library of Congress|RJ 496 |MU|mrym stk2|20071025|dc grad|Barkley, Russell A., 1949- |Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : a handbook for diagnosis and treatment / Russell A. Barkley. |159385210X (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4216024 Library of Congress|RJ 50 |CU|cunu|20071129|dc und||Pediatric clinical skills / [edited by] Richard B. Goldbloom. |0721694756 (pbk.) ||3886868 Library of Congress|RJ 5025 |GW|gwg w|20080317|dc und||Handbook of infant mental health / edited by Charles H. Zeanah, Jr. |0898629969 (acid-free paper) ||2391481 Library of Congress|RJ 503 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|Jongsma, Arthur E., 1943- |Adolescent psychotherapy treatment planner / Arthur E. Jongsma, Jr., L. Mark Peterson, William P. McInnis ; Timothy J. Bruce, contributing editor. |9780471785392 (pbk.) ||4576925 Library of Congress|RJ 503 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|Straus, Martha B., 1956- |Adolescent girls in crisis : intervention and hope / Martha B. Straus. |9780393704471 (hardcover) ||4702143 Library of Congress|RJ 5035 |CU|cuml stk|20080506|dc und|House, Alvin E. |DSM-IV diagnosis in the schools / Alvin E. House. |1572307595 ||3591879 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |CU|cuml stk|20070924|dc und||Human behavior, learning, and the developing brain : atypical development / edited by Donna Coch, Geraldine Dawson, Kurt W. Fischer. |1593851375 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4454885 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |MU|mrym stk2|20071002|dc und||Hyperactivity and attention disorders of childhood / edited by Seija Sandberg. |0521789613 (pbk.) ||3810680 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |MU|mrym stk2|20071031|dc grad|Hillman, Jennifer L. |Childhood autism : a clinician's guide to early diagnosis and integrated treatment / Jennifer Hillman and Stephen Snyder with James Neubrander. |0415372593 (hardback) ||4532328 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |MU|mrym stk2|20071031|dc grad|Nigg, Joel T. |What causes ADHD? : understanding what goes wrong and why / Joel T. Nigg. |1593852673 (hardcover) ||4325824 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |MU|mrym stk2|20071031|dc grad|Weyandt, Lisa L. |ADHD primer / Lisa L. Weyandt. |0805849696 (cloth : alk. paper) ||4411030 Library of Congress|RJ 506 |MU|mrym stk2|20080306|dc grad||Helping children cope with disasters and terrorism / edited by Annette M. La Greca ... [et al.]. |1557989141 (alk. paper) ||3752519 Library of Congress|RJ 507 |AU|auc|20080313|dc und||Attachment disorganization / editors, Judith Solomon, Carol George. |1572304804 (acid-free paper) ||3226057 Library of Congress|RM 301 |CU|cunu|20070724|dc und|Kee, Joyce LeFever. |Pharmacology : a nursing process approach / Joyce LeFever Kee, Evelyn R. Hayes. |0721693458 (pbk.) ||4072309 Library of Congress|RS 57 |CU|cunu|20070724|dc und|Daniels, Joanne M. |Clinical calculations : a unified approach / Joanne M. Daniels, Loretta M. Smith. |140185849X ||4134029 Library of Congress|RS 57 |CU|cunu|20070724|dc und|Henke, Grace. |Med-math : dosage calculation, preparation, and administration / Grace Henke. |0397551436 ||3247131 Library of Congress|RS 57 |CU|cunu|20070724|dc und|Ogden, Sheila J., 1949- |Radcliff and Ogden's calculation of drug dosages : an interactive workbook / Sheila J. Ogden ; contributor, Angela G. Opsahl. |0815170025 ||3267347 Library of Congress|RT 48 |CU|cunu|20071002|dc und|Taptich, Barbara J. |Nursing diagnosis and care planning / Barbara J. Taptich, Patricia W. Iyer, Donna Bernocchi-Losey. |0721623565 ||1014566 Library of Congress|RT 486 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071129|dc und|Roe, Sue, DPA. |Delmar's clinical nursing skills & concepts / Sue Roe. |0766825256 (alk. paper) ||927319 Library of Congress|RT 49 |CU|cunb new|20071129|dc und|Rodgers, Shielda Glover. |Thomson Delmar Learning's medical-surgical nursing care plans / Shielda Glover Rodgers. |9780766859975 (pbk.) ||4601445 Library of Congress|RT 49 |CU|cunu|20071016|dc und|Ulrich, Susan Puderbaugh. |Nursing care planning guides : for adults in acute, extended, and home care settings / Susan Puderbaugh Ulrich, Suzanne Weyland Canale. |0721639232 ||4075270 Library of Congress|RT 49 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071129|dc und|Rodgers, Shielda Glover. |Thomson Delmar Learning's medical-surgical nursing care plans / Shielda Glover Rodgers. |9780766859975 ||1248061 Library of Congress|RT 49 |MU|mrym stk2|20070913|dc und|Wilkinson, Judith M., 1946- |Prentice Hall nursing diagnosis handbook with NIC interventions and NOC outcomes. |0130493678 ||3905412 Library of Congress|RT 49 |MU|mrym stk2|20070913|dc und||Medical-surgical care planning / [edited by] Nancy M. Holloway. |158255224X ||4412198 Library of Congress|RT 51 |CU|cunu|20071002|dc und||Medical-surgical nursing made incredibly easy. |158255269X (pbk.) ||3875338 Library of Congress|RT 51 |CU|cunu|20071002|dc und||Medical-surgical nursing made incredibly easy. |158255269X (pbk.) ||3875338 Library of Congress|RT 51 |CU|cunu|20071129|dc und||Manual of medical-surgical nursing care : nursing interventions & collaborative management / [edited by] Pamela L. Swearingen. |0323016472 (alk. paper) ||4070110 Library of Congress|RT 51 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071129|dc und|Altman, Gaylene. |Delmar's fundamental & advanced nursing skills / Gaylene Bouska Altman. |1401810691 ||999478 Library of Congress|RT 52 |CU|cunu|20071002|dc und||Straight A's in medical-surgical nursing. |1582552843 (alk. paper) ||3879115 Library of Congress|RT 55 |CU|cunb new|20071027|dc und|Gauwitz, Donna F. |Complete review for NCLEX-RN / Donna F. Gauwitz. |0766862372 (alk. paper) ||4529826 Library of Congress|RT 55 |CU|cunu|20071002|dc und|Hargrove-Huttel, Ray A. |Medical-surgical nursing / Ray A. Hargrove-Huttel. |078171964X ||3556996 Library of Congress|RT 55 |CU|cunu|20071027|dc und|Billings, Diane McGovern. |Lippincott's review for NCLEX-RN / Diane M. Billings. |0781730694 (alk. paper) ||3677534 Library of Congress|RT 55 |CU|cunu|20071027|dc und||Little, Brown's NCLEX-RN examination review / edited by Sally L. Lagerquist ; written by Irene M. Bobak ... [et al.]. |0316512796 ||3247869 Library of Congress|RT 55 |CU|cunu|20071027|dc und||Mosby's comprehensive review of nursing / editor, Dolores F. Saxton ; associate editors, Patricia M. Nugent, Phyllis K. Pelikan. |0815180454 ||3265486 Library of Congress|RT 55 |MU|mrym stk2|20070913|dc und||Davis's NCLEX-RN review / [edited by] Patricia Gauntlett Beare. |0803605773 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||3695728 Library of Congress|RT 71 |MU|mrym stk2|20080125|dc fac|Keating, Sarah B. |Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing / Sarah B. Keating. |0781747708 (alk. paper) ||4191154 Library of Congress|RT 903 |CU|cunb t|20071106|dc und||Health promotion throughout the lifespan / [edited by] Carole Lium Edelman, Carol Lynn Mandle. |0323031285 ||4376115 Library of Congress|SB 63 |AU|auc|20080304|dc grad|Maathai, Wangari. |Unbowed : a memoir / Wangari Muta Maathai. |0307263487 ||4406981 Library of Congress|SF 41147 |GW|gwg w|20080514|dc staf|Barton Ross, Cheri. |Pet loss and human emotion : a guide to recovery / Cheri Barton Ross and Jane Baron-Sorensen. |0415955769 (softcover) ||4457537 Library of Congress|SF 426 |GW|gwg w|20070919|dc und|Case, Linda P. |Dog : its behavior, nutrition, and health / Linda P. Case. |0813812593 (alk. paper) ||3000685 Library of Congress|T 56 |GW|gwg w|20080204|dc und|Render, Barry. |Quantitative analysis for management / Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, Jr., Michael E. Hanna. |0131536885 ||4124743 Library of Congress|TA 1637 |AU|auc|20080417|dc fac|Klette, Reinhard. |Digital geometry : geometric methods for digital picture analysis / Reinhard Klette, Azriel Rosenfeld. |1558608613 ||4077508 Library of Congress|TA 1774 |GW|gwg w|20070925|dc und|Collier, Courtland A. |Engineering economic and cost analysis / Courtland A. Collier, Charles R. Glagola. |0673983943 ||3020148 Library of Congress|TA 345 |GW|gwg w|20080122|dc und|Holman, J. P. (Jack Philip) |What every engineer should know about Excel / J.P. Holman. |0849373263 (alk. paper) ||4346372 Library of Congress|TA 347 |GW|gw nv|20080521|dc fac|Bickford, William (William B.) |First course in the finite element method / William Bickford. |0256079730 ||2219076 Library of Congress|TA 350 |GW|gwg w|20080305|dc und|Richards, Rowland. |Principles of solid mechanics / Rowland Richards, Jr. |084930315X (alk. paper) ||3369843 Library of Congress|TA 405 |CU|cuen|20080228|dc und|Craig, Roy R., 1934- |Mechanics of materials / Roy R. Craig, Jr. |0471502847 (cloth : alk. paper) ||1022894 Library of Congress|TA 405 |CU|cuen|20080228|dc und|Gere, James M. |Mechanics of materials / James M. Gere, Stephen P. Timoshenko. |0534921744 ||997076 Library of Congress|TA 405 |CU|cuen|20080228|dc und|Hibbeler, R. C. |Statics and mechanics of materials / R.C. Hibbeler. |0023540915 ||991315 Library of Congress|TA 6832 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|McCormac, Jack C. |Design of reinforced concrete / Jack C. McCormac. |0471395765 (cloth : alk. paper) ||3637267 Library of Congress|TA 684 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Ballio, Giulio. |Theory and design of steel structures / Giulio Ballio, Federico M. Mazzolani. |0412236605 ||2001712 Library of Congress|TA 684 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Shuster, John W. |Structural steel fabrication practices / John W. Shuster. |0070577706 (alk. paper) ||2761610 Library of Congress|TD 345 |GW|gwg w|20080208|dc und|Hammer, Mark J., 1931- |Water and wastewater technology / Mark J. Hammer, Mark J. Hammer, Jr. |0130973254 (casebound) ||3914547 Library of Congress|TD 345 |GW|gwg w|20080305|dc und|Hammer, Mark J., 1931- |Water and wastewater technology / Mark J. Hammer, Mark J. Hammer, Jr. |0130973254 (casebound) ||3914547 Library of Congress|TD 345 |GW|gwg w|20080407|dc und|Hammer, Mark J., 1931- |Water and wastewater technology / Mark J. Hammer, Mark J. Hammer, Jr. |0130973254 (casebound) ||3914547 Library of Congress|TD 430 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Sarai, Darshan Singh. |Water treatment made simple for operators / Darshan Singh Sarai. |0471740020 (pbk.) ||4216232 Library of Congress|TD 430 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Schulz, Christopher R. |Surface water treatment for communities in developing countries / Christopher R. Schulz and Daniel A. Okun ; prepared for the Water and Sanitation for Health (WASH) Project of the United States Agency for International Development. |0471802611 : ||2014184 Library of Congress|TD 434 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Wagner, Edmund G. |Upgrading water treatment plants / E.G. Wagner and R.G. Pinheiro. |0419260404 (hbk. : alk. paper) ||3617381 Library of Congress|TD 434 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und||Water treatment plant design / American Society of Civil Engineers, American Water Works Association. |0070015422 : ||2289474 Library of Congress|TD 736 |GW|gwg w|20080412|dc und|Hvitved-Jacobsen, Thorkild. |Sewer processes : microbial and chemical process engineering of sewer networks / Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen. |1566769264 (alk. paper) ||3676293 Library of Congress|TJ 230 |GW|gwg w|20080204|dc und|Lingaiah, K. |Machine design databook / K. Lingaiah. |0071367071 ||3808209 Library of Congress|TJ 233 |GW|gwg w|20080204|dc und|Wentzell, Timothy H. |Machine design / Timothy H. Wentzell. |1401805175 ||3857090 Library of Congress|TK 510559 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Edney, Jon. |Real 802.11 security : Wi-Fi protected access and 802.11i / Jon Edney and William A. Arbaugh. |0321136209 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||997116 Library of Congress|TK 510559 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Rufi, Antoon W. |Network security 1 and 2 companion guide / Antoon W. Rufi. |1587131625 ||1237638 Library of Congress|TK 510559 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Rufi, Antoon W. |Network security 1 and 2 companion guide / Antoon W. Rufi. |1587131625 ||1237639 Library of Congress|TK 510578 |GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Earle, Aaron E. |Wireless security handbook / Aaron E. Earle. |0849333784 (alk. paper) ||1229974 Library of Congress|TK 5105875|GM|GM FEN Stacks|20071201|dc fac|Langfeld, Lynn. |Microsoft SharePoint 2003 unleashed / Lynn Langfeld, Colin Spence, Michael Noel. |0672326167 ||1059301 Library of Congress|TK 6650 |AU|auc|20080515|dc und|Whittaker, Ron. |Television production / Ron Whittaker. |1559340207 ||500966 Library of Congress|TK 6650 |AU|auc|20080515|dc und|Whittaker, Ron. |Television production / Ron Whittaker. |1559340207 ||500966 Library of Congress|TK 6678 |AU|auc|20080515|dc und|Kumar, Amitabh. |Mobile TV : DVB-H, DMB, 3G systems and rich media applications / Amitabh Kumar. |9780240809465 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4489070 Library of Congress|TK 6678 |AU|auc|20080515|dc und|Kumar, Amitabh. |Mobile TV : DVB-H, DMB, 3G systems and rich media applications / Amitabh Kumar. |9780240809465 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4489070 Library of Congress|TK 7867 |GW|gwg w|20070911|dc und|Savant, C. J. |Electronic design : circuits and systems / C.J. Savant, Jr., Martin S. Roden, Gordon L. Carpenter. |0805302859 ||2332829 Library of Congress|TK 7882 |GW|gwg w|20080324|dc und|Vacca, John R. |Biometric technologies and verification systems / John R. Vacca. |9780750679671 (alk. paper) ||4476736 Library of Congress|TX 9113 |GW|gwg w|20071112|dc und|Fullen, Sharon L. |How to set up, operate, and manage a financially successful bed & breakfast or small hotel / by Sharon L. Fullen and Douglas Brown. |0910627304 (alk. paper) ||4038430 Library of Congress|UA 853 |AU|auc|20071215|dc und|Pipes, Daniel, 1949- |Slave soldiers and Islam : the genesis of a military system / Daniel Pipes. |||200873 Library of Congress|UB 418 |AU|auc|20080326|dc und|Briggs, Jimmie. |Innocents lost : when child soldiers go to war / Jimmie Briggs. |0465007988 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4173764 Library of Congress|Z 244 |MU|mrym stk2|20080326|dc und|Pace, Kayanna. |Designer's guide to print production / [Kayanna Pace]. |0130194662 (pbk.) ||3583376 Library of Congress|Z 473 |AU|auc|20080521|dc fac||Women in print : essays on the print culture of American women from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / edited by James P. Danky and Wayne A. Wiegand ; foreword by Elizabeth Long. |0299217841 (pbk. : alk. paper) ||4264638 Library of Congress|Z 658 |CU|cuml stk|20071126|dc und|Karolides, Nicholas J. |Literature suppressed on political grounds / Nicholas J. Karolides ; preface by Ken Wachsberger. |0816062706 (acid-free paper) ||4434754 Library of Congress|Z 6789 |CU|cuml stk|20080309|dc fac|Cohn, John M. |Writing and updating technology plans : a guidebook with sample policies on CD-ROM / John M. Cohn, Ann L. Kelsey, and Keith Michael Fiels. |1555703658 ||3134995 Blank/Missing Call Number||WR|wrlc stor|20071003|dc und|Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957. |George Washington and the West, by Charles H. Ambler. |||1285102 Blank/Missing Call Number||WR|wrlc stor|20071003|dc und|Freeman, Douglas Southall, 1886-1953. |George Washington, a biography. |||1224105 Blank/Missing Call Number||WR|wrlc stor|20080320|dc fac|Hudson, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1922. |Purple land, by W. H. Hudson; introduction by William McFee. |||1289542 Blank/Missing Call Number||WR|wrlc stor|20080410|dc und|Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. |Goethe's letters to Zelter, with extracts from those of Zelter to Goethe; selected, tr., and annotated by A. D. Coleridge. |||1292225 Blank/Missing Call Number||WR|wrlc stor|20080411|dc und|Miller, Perry, 1905-1963. |Errand into the wilderness. |||1221843 Dewey Decimal|150.287 H |GA|gal stx|20080306|dc grad||Handbook of multicultural assessment : clinical, psychological, and educational applications / Lisa A. Suzuki, Joseph G. Ponterotto, Paul J. Meller, editors. |0787951773 (alk. paper) ||3475321 Dewey Decimal|305.231 H |GA|gal stx|20070909|dc und|Harris, Judith Rich. |Nurture assumption : why children turn out the way they do / Judith Rich Harris. |0684844095 ||3094809 Dewey Decimal|306.0973 J|GA|gal stx|20071023|dc und|Johnson, Steven, 1968- |Everything bad is good for you : how today's popular culture is actually making us smarter / Steven Johnson. |1573223077 ||4135125 Dewey Decimal|306.8742 B|GA|gal stx|20071010|dc und|Blankenhorn, David. |Fatherless America : confronting our most urgent social problem / David Blankenhorn. |006092683X (pbk.) ||3825215 Dewey Decimal|306.89 H 4|GA|gal stx|20071015|dc und|Hetherington, E. Mavis (Eileen Mavis), 1926- |For better or for worse : divorce reconsidered / by E. Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly. |0393048624 ||3576682 Dewey Decimal|324.623 S |GA|gal stx|20080409|dc und|Wellman, Judith. |Road to Seneca Falls : Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the First Woman's Rights Convention / Judith Wellman. |0252029046 (Cloth : alk. paper) ||4152739 Dewey Decimal|330.156 K |GA|gal stx|20080128|dc und|Krugman, Paul R. |Peddling prosperity : economic sense and nonsense in the age of diminished expectations / Paul Krugman. |0393036022 : ||1464458 Dewey Decimal|335.422 M |GA|gal stx|20080310|dc und|Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. |Communist manifesto / Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels ; with an introduction by A J P Taylor. |0140444785 ||3205053 Dewey Decimal|362.292 D |GA|gal stx|20070909|dc und|Dean, Amy E. |Once upon a time / Amy E. Dean. |0894864076 (pbk.) ||1362600 Dewey Decimal|362.2923 W|GA|gal stx|20080123|dc und|Walls, Jeannette. |Glass castle : a memoir / Jeannette Walls. |074324754X (pbk.) ||4531050 Dewey Decimal|362.293 M |GA|gal stx|20080219|dc und|Musto, David F., 1936- |American disease : origins of narcotic control / by David F. Musto. |0195052110 (pbk.) ||2755997 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080530|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL reading skills / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |0768923271 (pbk.) ||4748180 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080530|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL vocabulary / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |076892328X (pbk.) ||4748183 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080530|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL writing skills / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |0768923298 (pbk.) ||4748186 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080627|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL reading skills / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |0768923271 (pbk.) ||4748180 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080627|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL vocabulary / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |076892328X (pbk.) ||4748183 Dewey Decimal|428.24 P 4|GA|gal stx|20080627|dc und||Peterson's master TOEFL writing skills / [editor, Wallie Walker Hammond]. |0768923298 (pbk.) ||4748186 Dewey Decimal|616.85882 |GA|gal stx|20071108|dc grad|Schreibman, Laura Ellen. |Science and fiction of autism / Laura Schreibman. |0674019318 (alk. paper) ||4503980 Dewey Decimal|616.89 N 3|GA|gal stx|20070909|dc und|Wallace, Barbara C. |Adult children of dysfunctional families : prevention, intervention, and treatment for community mental health promotion / Barbara C. Wallace. |0275944751 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||1475716 Dewey Decimal|616.89162 |GA|gal stx|20070909|dc und|Napier, Nancy J. |Recreating your self : help for adult children of dysfunctional families / Nancy J. Napier. |0393028429 : ||1447382 Dewey Decimal|617.882 B |GA|gald stx|20080424|dc grad|Barnes, Judith M. |Pediatric cochlear implants : an overview of the alternatives in education and rehabilitation / Judith M. Barnes, Darla Franz, Wallace Bruce, editors ; preface by William House. |088200204X ||1470446 Dewey Decimal|618.9289 E|GA|gal stx|20070909|dc und||Effects of parental dysfunction on children / edited by Robert J. McMahon and Ray DeV. Peters. |030647252X ||3801208 Dewey Decimal|618.928916|GA|gal stx|20080625|dc fac|Landreth, Garry L. |Play therapy : the art of the relationship / Garry L. Landreth. |1583913270 ||4071018 Dewey Decimal|709 B 62 R|GA|gal stx|20080423|dc und|Blackburn, Henry, 1830-1897. |Randolph Caldecott; a personal memoir of his early art career. London, S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1886. |||1422987 Dewey Decimal|796.342 M |GA|gal stx|20080122|dc und|Moore, Clancy. |Tennis everyone / Clancy Moore and M.B. Chafin. |0887251366 : ||3040582 Dewey Decimal|811.54 B 8|GA|gal stx|20080515|dc fac||Bum rush the page : a Def Poetry Jam / edited by Tony Medina and Louis Reyes Rivera. |0609808400 ||3791488 Dewey Decimal|812.54 B 3|GA|gal stx|20070924|dc und|Baldwin, James, 1924-1987. |Amen corner : a play / by James Baldwin. |0375701885 ||2790684 Dewey Decimal|812.54 W 5|GA|gal stx|20080304|dc und|Miller, Jordan Yale, 1919- |Twentieth century interpretations of A streetcar named Desire; a collection of critical essays, edited by Jordan Y. Miller. |0138514933 0138514852 (pbk) ||1420871 Dewey Decimal|813.52 S 6|GA|gal stx|20071114|dc und||Critical essays on Steinbeck's The grapes of wrath / [edited by] John Ditsky. |0816188874 (alk. paper) ||1447919 Dewey Decimal|813.54 D 3|GA|gal stx|20071024|dc und|Danticat, Edwidge, 1969- |Dew breaker / Edwidge Danticat. |1400041147 (alk. paper) ||4150857 Dewey Decimal|813.54 J 5|GA|gal stx|20080505|dc fac|Jin, Ha, 1956- |Under the red flag : stories / by Ha Jin. |0820319392 (alk. paper) ||3900226 Dewey Decimal|813.54 K 5|GA|gal stx|20071106|dc und|Kidd, Sue Monk. |Secret life of bees / Sue Monk Kidd. |0142001740 (pbk.) ||4148791 Dewey Decimal|813.54 K 5|GA|gal stx|20080515|dc fac|King, Stephen, 1947- |Rose Madder / Stephen King. |0670858692 (alk. paper) ||1474423 Dewey Decimal|813.54 W 3|GA|gal stx|20071101|dc und|White, Evelyn C., 1954- |Alice Walker : a life / Evelyn C. White. |0393058913 (hardcover) ||4155994 Dewey Decimal|813.54 W 3|GA|gal stx|20071101|dc und||Alice Walker / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. |1555463142 (alk. paper) : ||3067547 Dewey Decimal|813.54 W 3|GA|gal stx|20071101|dc und||Alice Walker : critical perspectives past and present / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K.A. Appiah. |1567430139 : ||3163281 Dewey Decimal|823.896 A |GA|gal stx|20071116|dc und|Ezenwa-Ohaeto. |Chinua Achebe : a biography / Ezenwa-Ohaeto. |0253333423 (alk. paper) ||4009555 Dewey Decimal|910.91634 |GA|gal stx|20080422|dc und|Butler, Daniel Allen. |Unsinkable : the full story of the RMS Titanic / Daniel Allen Butler. |081171814X ||2808248 Dewey Decimal|910.91634 |GA|gal stx|20080422|dc und|Quinn, Paul J. |Titanic at two a.m. / Paul J. Quinn. |0965520935 ||2847667 Dewey Decimal|910.91634 |GA|gal stx|20080422|dc und|Wade, Wyn Craig. |Titanic : end of a dream / Wyn Craig Wade. |0140166912 (pbk.) ||2847936 Dewey Decimal|920 O 23 A|GA|gal stx|20080304|dc und|Obama, Barack. |Audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the American dream / Barack Obama. |0307237699 ||4529316 Dewey Decimal|940.531809|GA|gal stx|20080626|dc und|Wiesel, Elie, 1928- |Night / Elie Wiesel ; translated from the French by Marion Wiesel. |9780809073566 (hardcover : alk. paper) ||4528981 Dewey Decimal|973.41 W 3|GA|gal stx|20071001|dc und|Woodward, William E., 1874- |George Washington, the image and the man, by W.E. Woodward. |||1455029 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|082 G74, 1|GA|gal stx|20071114|dc und|Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. |Capital / by Karl Marx ; edited by Friedrich Engels ; translated from the 3rd German ed. by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling ; rev., with additional translation from the 4th German ed., by Marie Sachey and Herbert Lamm ; Manifesto of the Communist Party / |||1323843 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|77132 - PB|GW|gwg cr|20071111|dc staf|BECK, A.T : STEER, R.A |BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY |||4214815 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|BVZ 4330 .|CU|cuml stk|20080514|dc staf|McCall, Junietta Baker. |Bereavement counseling : pastoral care for complicated grieving / Junietta Baker McCall. |0789017830 (alk. paper) ||4429697 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070710|dc und||CU Laptop: Mull-123-13-17 |||4267453 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070710|dc und||CU Laptop: Power Adapter: Dell 2 |||4159628 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070711|dc und||CU Laptop: Power Adapter: Dell04 |||4372590 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070711|dc und||CU laptop Mull-123-13-20 |||4267746 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070904|dc und||CU Laptop: Mull-123-13-10 |||4151038 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|CU LAPTOP:|CU|cucr h|20070904|dc und||CU Laptop: Power Adapter: Dell70 |||4372647 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|HC.106.5. |CU|CU CIRC MULLEN|20071113|dc und|United States. President. |Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress. ||0193-1180 |4609241 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|HEADPHONE |AU|au lptp|20080216|dc staf||Headphone |||4310876 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|RC489.R3 A|GW|gwg f|20080424|dc staf||Albert Ellis, interview with man with anxious love problems [videorecording] |||2278741 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|VHS 3790|AU|aunp|20070711|dc grad||Speeches of famous women [videorecording] / MPI Home Video. |1562788655 ||490099 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|VHS 3790|AU|aunp|20070711|dc grad||Speeches of famous women [videorecording] / MPI Home Video. |1562788655 ||490099 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|VHS 6170|AU|aunp|20070711|dc grad||Eleanor Roosevelt [videorecording] / WGBH-TV, Boston, Mass. ; WGBH Educational Foundation and Ambrica Productions. |0780629981 ||3124639 Other/Unknown Classification (8)|VHS 6412|AU|aunp|20070711|dc grad||Great speeches. Volume VI [videorecording] / an Alliance Video production ; producer, Roger Cook. |||3239835 Other/Unknown Classification (8)||GW|gw mt|20080228|dc und|Gray, James P., 1945- |Why our drug laws have failed and what we can do about it : a judicial indictment of the War on Drugs / James P. Gray. |1566398592 (alk. paper) ||3680203 Other/Unknown Classification (8)||GW|gwg w|20080325|dc grad||American intergovernmental relations : foundations, perspectives, and issues / Laurence J. O'Toole, Jr., editor. |1568024053 (pbk.) ||3163436